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News & Events

Moodle 3.9 Upgrade

Moodle was upgraded  to ensure Moodle continues to receive important security updates, and to combine feature improvements from versions 3.6  3.7  3.8 and 3.9. The most noticeable changes from the upgrade will include, Building courses: Turn editing on is a bright new button, the Activity chooser can star and view recommended activities and resources, and …

MS Teams Training Event

Our Microsoft partner is providing a second ‘MS Teams for Education’ training event on Thursday 4th March. Registration is not essential but would be appreciated using the IS Events Calendar. The event is open to both new and existing Teams users and the session will be recorded. The event will …

MEDIALecture replaces Camtasia Relay

Camtasia Relay is no longer supported by the parent company (Techsmith) and the University has withdrawn it from service. Any videos created by Camtasia Relay which are stored in the online video server are unaffected by this withdrawal. MEDIALecture is the replacement screen recorder which connects directly to the online …

What’s In Your Learning Technology Toolbox?

Are you thinking of flipping your classroom, changing your assessments, or designing interactive learning materials? Are you aware of the technologies available to support your module’s classroom and online delivery? This presentation gave a tour of the University’s learning technology toolbox and was part of the inaugural Research and Learning …

Online Module Evaluation Surveys

During this academic session the University is moving the module evaluation surveys to an online system called EvaSys. The My Module Evaluations block has been placed on the Moodle dashboard alongside your course list (not within individual modules). It provides students with links to available evaluations in EvaSys, and provides staff with …