‘On-air’ Panopto indicator lights

Green light showing recording is on

Click to view

Podiums in the newly refurbished classrooms include an indicator light which switches on when a Panopto recording has started:

  • Green means that recording is on.
  • Amber means that recording has paused.

The indicators are also push buttons to allow you to pause/resume a recording without ending the PowerPoint presentation in order to access the Panopto interface:

  • Press and release to pause/resume recording (green/amber light).
  • Press and hold for 5 secs to stop recording (light goes off). 

Click to view

Press and hold will stop the recording and prompt you to click Done to complete the upload process. You can sign-out of the computer but don’t switch off the power. 

Refurbishment of Audio Visual (AV) facilities

A list of the recently refitted classrooms can be found on the main Panopto page. A second round of classrooms is underway with another 16 rooms scheduled to be refitted with lecterns, data projectors, document cameras, as well as fixed cameras and microphones required for recording.

  • Craiglockhart: 1/08, 1/09, 2/05, 2/08, 3/03
  • Merchiston: B2, G4, G8, G9, G24, H10
  • Sighthill: 2.D.07, 2.D.11, 3.D.05, 3.D.07 

Visit the staff intranet for further details of the classroom AV refurbishments.