Moodle Templates

The Moodle Template project aims to improve the usability and consistency of our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Moodle. This page explains the approach and benefits for both staff and students.

Moodle Programme Template

The Moodle programme sites are always available to students enrolled in a specific programme (or multiple programmes). These sites hold various resources that are important for the entire programme, not just individual courses. Take a look at the demonstration Moodle programme template.

Moodle Module Template

Take a look at the demonstration Moodle template (enrolment key 2024) which shows you how to put some of this advice into practice. You are very welcome to contact a member of the Learning Technology Team if you have any queries about the template or any other other aspect of your Moodle course.

Useful Resources

Designing for Diverse Learners

PPT and Word Branded Templates

Meeting accessibility regulations