MS Teams Training Event

Our Microsoft partner is providing a second ‘MS Teams for Education’ training event on Thursday 4th March. Registration is not essential but would be appreciated using the IS Events Calendar. The event is open to both new and existing Teams users and the session will be recorded. The event will be led by Esam Baboukhan, eLearning manager at City of Westminster College.

0930 to 1130 – Class Notebook for Teaching, Learning and Assessment 
Join here

  • Explain the role of OneNote Class Notebook in education 
  • Explore, Identify, and explain the range of features within OneNote Class Notebook 
  • Explore real life examples of how OneNote Class Notebook is used in Teaching, Learning and Assessment 
  • Create a Class Notebook and populate with students 
  • Learn to add and share sections, pages and content 
  • Learn to embed a wide variety of content from other sources into OneNote 
  • Create consistency using templates 

Previous sessions from Thursday 18th February

Recorded sessions are available in the MS_Teams_Discussion_Forum – Training Event channel. If you are not a member of this Team then contact Stephen Bruce.

0930 to 1045 – Communicating and collaborating using Microsoft Teams

  • About the different types of Teams available
  • Communicating using the different features within Teams
  • Collaborating in Teams using documents
  • Creating channels to reflect your courses and learning
  • Scheduling meetings and amending the options
  • Creating breakout rooms and using collaborative documents
  • Managing recorded meetings, files and folders
  • Designing forms as an assignment

1400-1530 – Utilising Videos, Surveys, Polls and Quizzes for Education

Exploring Microsoft Stream

  • Creating a channel in Stream
  • Creating a screen recording using Stream
  • Managing recorded meetings

Exploring Microsoft Forms

  • Creating a quiz/survey using different types of questions
  • Adding a video to a quiz
  • Adding a Form to a Stream video