Evidence for enhancement: The Role of Learning Analytics

Date: 18 April 2018
Time: 0930-1230 (Lunch included)
Venue: Rivers Suite, Craiglockhart

You are warmly invited to this event that will kick start an institutional conversation around what Learning Analytics means within the context of our own priorities and challenges. Come along and help us frame the pedagogical, technical and governance aspects of a University Learning Analytics service.

The event is facilitated by Information Services, DLTE, and Planning & Business Intelligence, and our focus is on engaging with the breadth of the University. We will be joined by Kevin Mayles, Head of Analytics at The Open University to benefit from his insights from leading the implementation of their institutional strategy.

The presentation will outline the Open University’s implementation of learning analytics over the last five years, successes achieved and lessons learned along the way. Key issues will be explored through examples across three broad areas of organisational capability: availability of data and technical infrastructure, the creation of actionable insight and the use of outputs to impact the student experience. Implementation challenges will be highlighted and the strategies used to tackle them.

Places are limited so register early, or contact Martha Caddell (DLTE) or Stephen Bruce (IS) for event information.

Get Involved: Consultation

If you are unable to attend this event but are keen to get involved you might be interested in taking part in our stakeholder consultations which will be running over the next few months.

What’s involved: 30 minutes of your time at your convenience
Format: One-to-one chats with Learning Analytics Project Manager
When: These consultation sessions will take place between March-June 2018
Contact: For more information or to book a consultation please contact Emma Farthing Learning Analytics Project Manager.

The aim of our stakeholder consultations is to gather individual viewpoints of Learning Analytics in order to grow our understanding of how this service can benefit the University and to build a picture of what data is currently be used to monitor learning, and how that information is used.

About Learning Analytics?

Learning Analytics refers to the analysis and display of data about the progress of learners and the context in which learning takes place. The world of Learning Analytics in Higher Education institutions in a growing area of activity. Across the sector efforts are being made to explore its potential uses and risks, and how this can inform decisions that will actually benefit students and enhance learning.

During our project we will be capturing the views of staff and students across the University community to investigate:

  • What information / data goes in and what information / analysis comes out.
  • What this analysis really tells us.
  • How can it be used.
  • What are the potential risks.
  • As an institution what should or could we do with Learning Analytics and why.

There are further details on the staff intranet of the University’s Learning Analytics project and our participation to the QAA Scotland Enhancement Theme.