Moodle Assignment

The Moodle Assignment is a flexible tool for coursework submission and also incorporates a range of marking and feedback options which are described in this page. The following points should be noted when considering Moodle Assignment as a route for eSubmission of coursework:

  • Group submissions and feedback is supported.
  • Includes a Turnitin plagiarism plugin so that an originality report can be generated for any paper submitted by a student individually, or on behalf of a group.
  • Accepts any file format less than 2Gb in size, including multiple files ‘zipped’ into a single file. Here is the Student quick guide to the Moodle Assignments.
  • Accepts video file submissions (see staff and student guides) and stores these securely in the online video server. See also this student guide to recording and submitting Panopto videos.
  • Accepts Mahara ePortfolio pages and locks the pages after being submitted for grading.
  • Feedback and grading options include scored rubrics and grading forms, video feedback, annotations overlaid on submissions (see acceptable file types), and attached files (eg. submissions annotated with Word comments), as well as options to allocate markers and to track marking stages.

The official Moodle video below gives a brief overview of setting up an assignment, and these detailed descriptions of each setting is provided on the official Moodle site. The University Staff Guidelines provide hints and tips to help you set up, download and process student coursework submissions.