Edinburgh Napier University

Search: “scotland” (Page 7 of 7)

We found 65 results for your search.

Summer escapes


Highland Games

Highland Games are a traditional event held in many Scottish towns during the summer and are a mixture of sporting, cultural and social events. The well-known events such as tossing […]

International Women in Engineering Day

We’ve come a long way since Evelyn Roxburgh graduated from Heriot-Watt College in 1923 with a diploma in electrical engineering – the first woman in Scotland to qualify as an […]

The Ospreys have returned!

Scotland offers some fantastic opportunities to get out and about and do some wildlife watching. When it’s  not possible to do so, there are some great ways to watch a […]

Burns Night

Picture the donning of tartan, tables full of haggis and whisky and loads of traditional Scottish fanfare and poetry readings.

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