Edinburgh Napier University

Search: “scotland” (Page 6 of 7)

We found 64 results for your search.

World Sleep Day Friday 18th March

Image source Wakey, wakey! I trust you had a good night’s sleep and are feeling bright and perky. No? Well, maybe you’re one of the 16 million UK adults who […]

Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day

“Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together […]

Scottish Traditions: Burn’s Night

Burns Night Burns Night is a traditional celebration of Scotland’s national bard, or poet, Robert Burns. It is held on 25th January, Burns’s birthday, when Burns suppers are held. They […]

Staying on Campus over Christmas?

Christmas is a period of relaxation and spending time with family and friends. However, some students may be staying on campus over Christmas due to living far away and this […]

What is COP-26? The Climate change Conference of Parties

All eyes will be on Scotland this month as leaders from across the globe meet in Glasgow to attend COP-26: the climate change Conference of Parties. You may be wondering […]

Remembrance Day and The Poppy

World War One, Remembrance Day and The Poppy The battles of the First World War (WWI) devastated the countryside of Western Europe. One of the plants that survived the churned-up […]

Black History Month

Black History Month 2021 runs throughout October and is a celebration of the often-overlooked contributions made by Black people to our shared history. It allows us to celebrate Black people […]

Meet your Health and Social Care Librarian: Maria King

Introducing the Subject Librarian for the School of Health and Social Care, Maria King I joined Edinburgh Napier in May and have worked in similar roles previously supporting health students […]

Dyslexia Awareness Week

Dyslexia Awareness Week It is Dyslexia awareness week in the UK, and we are here to guide and increase visibility to people all over the world!  The theme this year is Breaking Through Barriers. Dyslexia Awareness Week […]

Summer escapes


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