Edinburgh Napier University

Search: “research” (Page 6 of 6)

We found 55 results for your search.

Lionsโ€™ Gate Garden: Digital Growth

The Lionsโ€™ Gate Garden is a permaculture habitat adjacent to the library at Merchiston campus. The gardens, allotment, pond, and outdoor laboratory provide a space to relax and unwind. Three […]

On Demand TV and Radio for Education with BoB

  Box of Broadcasts Box of Broadcasts, or BoB as it is affectionately known, is an on demand TV and radio service for education run by an organisation called Learning […]

๐Ÿณโ€๐ŸŒˆ Celebrating Pride Month at Edinburgh Napier University

The month of June is Pride Month and here at the Library we “pride” ourselves on being an inclusive and welcoming place to visit. We thought it might be interesting […]

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021: Thriving with Nature

Nature is an incredible resource for maintaining our mental health. Simply being outside and experiencing green spaces has proven beneficial to us. Health Awareness Week 2021 is all about the […]

All about Inter Library Loans

Are you starting your research and you find that one great article, but the full text is not on LibrarySearch? What to do next? First, check whether we really donโ€™t […]

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