Edinburgh Napier University

Search: “research” (Page 5 of 6)

We found 53 results for your search.

Postgraduate study

So, you’ve finished your undergraduate degree, passed your exams and graduated. Phew! We give you our warmest congratulations and hope you’re now enjoying a well-earned rest. But as your thoughts […]

Refugee Week 2022

Refugee Week : 20th-26th June 2022 According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word refugee originates from two Latin words: “fugere” meaning to flee and “refugium” – a place to flee […]

Celebrating Pride Month

Celebrating Pride Month The start of June is upon us which means the start of Pride month. After all, June is the month of pride. Why June you may ask? […]

Meet your Subject Librarian: Rob O’Brien

Photo of Rob O’Brien and Tess Dalton (the woof), Rob’s fellow monster movie fan at home. Meet your Subject Librarian Rob O’Brien Rob is the subject Librarian supporting the School […]

AM Explorer Database: Millions of pages of primary sources spanning the 15th – 21st centuries

Trial Access to AM Explorer Database We have trial access to AM Explorer from Adam Matthew Digital until 5 May 2022. This fascinating resource will be of interest to staff […]

Studying over the Christmas Holidays?

The Christmas holidays have finally arrived, and you might be thinking it is time to get those feet up, relax, enjoy a hot drink and binge-watch all your favourite Christmas […]

Meet your Health and Social Care Librarian: Maria King

Introducing the Subject Librarian for the School of Health and Social Care, Maria King I joined Edinburgh Napier in May and have worked in similar roles previously supporting health students […]

Introducing a new database: IBISWorld

IBISWorld Are you a student or member of staff looking for UK Industry Market Research data? Well the good news is that the Library now subscribes to the research industry […]

Lions’ Gate Garden: Digital Growth

The Lions’ Gate Garden is a permaculture habitat adjacent to the library at Merchiston campus. The gardens, allotment, pond, and outdoor laboratory provide a space to relax and unwind. Three […]

On Demand TV and Radio for Education with BoB

  Box of Broadcasts Box of Broadcasts, or BoB as it is affectionately known, is an on demand TV and radio service for education run by an organisation called Learning […]

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