Edinburgh Napier University

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We found 116 results for your search.

An Oyster full of Opportunities: National Career Development Month

An Oyster full of Opportunities: National Career Development Month   With the end of November coming, and with that, the end of National Career Development Month: an oyster full of […]

National Tree Week

National Tree Week This year National Tree Week . It runs from 25th November until 3rd December and marks the start of the tree planting season. Itโ€™s a chance for […]

Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse

November 18, 2023 Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Whoโ€™d have thought the creation of a character with small stature and a plucky attitude would go on to become a household name […]

Book Week Scotland 2023

Book Week Scotland 2023 Book Week Scotland 2023 is here. An annual celebration of books and reading, organised by the Scottish Book Trust to promote the joy of reading throughout […]

Preserving the Past: My Journey Volunteering with the University Heritage Collections

Preserving the Past: My Journey Volunteering with the University Heritage Collections Forewords Delve into the captivating world of heritage preservation through the eyes of one talented high school volunteer. Join […]

Dyslexia Awareness Week

Dyslexia Awareness Week   1-7 November 2023   This week marks Dyslexia Awareness Week in Scotland, raising awareness and understanding. Dyslexia and how people experience or deal with it are […]

Daylight Savings: The clocks are going back

Daylight Savings: The clocks are going back Clocks going back 2023 Donโ€™t forget that here in the UK the clocks go back one hour at 2am on Sunday 29th October. […]

Special Collections: Sassoon poem returns

Special Collections: Sassoon poem returns An original Siegfried Sassoon poem returns to our special collections. Last month, an original poem written by Siegfried Sassoon was donated to the War Poets […]

IHS Markit platform and resources

IHS Markit platform and resourcesย  If youโ€™re working or studying in the construction industry, the IHS Markit platform is an essential resource to finding information. The platform allows access to […]

Celebrating Black History Month while reconsidering the Curriculum

Celebrating Black History Month while reconsidering the Curriculum October marks Black History Month (BHM) in the UK. Here at Edinburgh Napier Library, we donโ€™t want to miss this opportunity to […]

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