IHS Markit platform and resources 

If you’re working or studying in the construction industry, the IHS Markit platform is an essential resource to finding information. The platform allows access to a wide range of materials including standards, regulatory, product and supplier information from various organisations around the world. IHS Markit contains a collection of databases including the Construction Information Service (CIS).  This is a major database for anyone working in architecture, civil and structural engineering, building control officers, building services engineers and other areas within the construction industry. With over 20,000 documents from over 300 publishers this is an important database packed full of essential sources.   

IHS Markit platform and LibrarySearch

Did you know that when you’re searching for sources in LibrarySearch your results don’t include items from the Construction Information Service or other IHS Markit products? You need to go into the specific database to do your searching and to access full text sources. The library has a subscription to the IHS Markit platform so don’t miss out on these great resources! Access is restricted to Edinburgh Napier University students and staff. Sign in to LibrarySearch, use the Databases tab to go to IHS Markit or Construction Information Service. You’ll then see links to two options: 

  • Construction Information Service 
  • Knowledge Workspace 

Just choose the one that you want and start searching for some great sources!  

IHS Markit platform

Using the Construction information Service will give you access to content that you just can’t get hold of anywhere else. As you’d expect with a good quality database like the Construction Information Service, there is a standard search box and an Advanced search interface too. A good tip is to use the filters to refine your results. And make them more relevant to your topic, there’s a good range of filters available.  

The Knowledge Workspace option includes Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Management and Specify-It. With hundreds of thousands of documents available there’s a good range of filters available to help you refine and reduce your search results to find the content you need.    

To sum it all up, the IHS Markit platform, Knowledge Workspace and the Construction Information Service are essential places to go to find great sources relevant for anyone connected with the construction industry. Give them a try! If you have any feedback on it, send your comments to library@napier.ac.uk 

by Joyce Templeton

Explore the databases here

You can read more about our databases on previous posts