Edinburgh Napier University

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We found 26 results for your search.

Daylight Savings: The clocks are going back

Daylight Savings: The clocks are going back Clocks going back 2023 Donโ€™t forget that here in the UK the clocks go back one hour at 2am on Sunday 29th October. […]

IHS Markit platform and resources

IHS Markit platform and resourcesย  If youโ€™re working or studying in the construction industry, the IHS Markit platform is an essential resource to finding information. The platform allows access to […]

Library and Study Skills

Library and Study Skills Hello. Trimester 1 is on its way and things are settling. Assignments might already be creeping up. We know, too soon. But, today, we are looking […]

Music Festivals

Music Festivals Summer has a vast number of connotations and associations. ย One that has always stuck with me is music festivals. Glastonbury, Download or Reading and Leeds to name a […]

World Music Day 2023 ๐ŸŽต

World Music Day 2023: Fรชte de la Musique Is there anything better than when your favourite song comes on? Whatever grey clouds are there, good music brings a little bit […]

A Quick Guide to Using Boolean: Top 5 Tricks

A Quick Guide to Using Boolean: Top 5 Tricks Improve your search results with Boolean search operators. Introduction to Boolean First off, what the heck is Boolean you may be […]

International Haiku Poetry Day

International Haiku Poetry Day Some say it captures the ephemeral beauty of nature. Some believe it to be the essence of a keenly-perceived moment. Others describe it as the blank […]

Winter and Christmas in Edinburgh

Glossary:ย  Dreich – tedious; damp and wet (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-50476008)ย  Hogmanay – New Yearโ€™s Eve (in Scotland)ย  ย  If itโ€™s your first Winter in Edinburgh: youโ€™re in for a treat! Edinburgh tends […]

Welcome to the Library 2022

Welcome to the Library 2022! A warm welcome from all staff at Edinburgh Napier University Library! Whether you are a new or returning student. Here is some useful information to […]

A Quick Guide to Finding a Book with LibrarySearch

Finding a book with LibrarySearch Are deadlines coming up? Assignments due? And Google just wonโ€™t do. Our quick guide to finding a book with LibrarySearch that will save the day! […]

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