Edinburgh Napier University

Category: Celebrations (Page 4 of 5)

25th March

25th March

With the weekend fast approaching are you lost with what to do? Well here are some fun things being celebrated on the 25th of march that may just inspire you…..


Tolkien Reading Day:


Head over to your local library and acquaint yourself with some of the works of the well know English writer, poet and translator, J.R.R.Tolkien. Or attend an event if ones being run in your area. If all else fails, you could always watch the epic film version of the books The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit. Just remember to do it either before or after Earth Hour.

Earth Hour 25th March:

Earth hour is organised by the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) and encourages individuals, communities, and business to switch off non-essential electric lights for just an hour, between 8:30pm to 9:30pm, as a symbol of commitment to the planet, and is held on the last Saturday of March.


Or maybe you’ll be tempted to try out one of the following food related celebrations taking place on March 25th:

  • International Waffle Day:
  • Pecan Day:
  • National Cheesestake day:

Either way have a super weekend.

Just for fun

Let us know if you decided to part take in any of these events.


Or enjoy the blog some more with our virtual bookshelves 

or if you choose this day for studying, remember our webpages 

by Mo Almas

World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day

21st March 2023

World Poetry Day celebrates a style of literature as old as language itself, spanning all cultures and continents. With stylistic forms and sub genre’s developing and evolving from generation to generation. Poetry has been used to highlight and express issues of the time, evoke an emotional response and inspire calls to action. To demonstrate the potency of words nonsensical poems such as the Jabberwocky have also been used in a light-hearted manner to portray humour.

It was for these reasons UNESCO (United Nations Education, Science, Cultural Organisation) decided at its 30th General Conference in Paris in 1999 to dedicate a day to all forms of poetry. Its purpose is to support

“….linguistic diversity through poetic expression and increasing the opportunity for endangered languages to be heard….  occasion to honour poets, revive oral traditions of poetry recitals, promote the reading, writing and teaching of poetry, foster the convergence between poetry and other arts such as theatre, dance, music and painting, and raise the visibility of poetry in the media. As poetry continues to bring people together across continents, all are invited to join in”.

If you think poetry is not for you then think again, because lyrics in songs use the same/similar techniques and styles as those used in poetry. Adding catchy rhythms, tempos, & melodies to enhance the impact and emotional states of the listener.

So, will you be doing something for World Poetry Day?

  • Perhaps visit your library and browse their poetry collection and see what appeals to you, or visit Literature Online to see what poetry works are available to listen to or read.

Just for Fun:

  • Who is your favourite Poet and why?
  • Do you have a favourite poem?
  • Do you have a favourite style of poem writing?

I’ll go first:

  • No
  • Tom Tantol’s version of John Clare’s poem I am, left a lasting impression on me. I still very much enjoy listening to the piece and the depth of meaning that is hidden within its words and delivery.  Check it out on YouTube here.
  • No


World Poetry Day | UNESCO

History of poetry – Wikipedia

By Mo Almas

Interested in The Poetry of the WW1 War Poets? Here at Edinburgh Napier University, we have a stunning collection of their works. Check out the webpage here: War Poets Collection, or read some of the amazing posts on our blog:

National Poetry Day 6th October

The War Poets Collection: Siegfried Sassoon and Dr Brock

Image by Image by cromaconceptovisual from Pixabay

Library’s Easter Egg Hunt

Library’s Easter Egg Hunt

Each library campus is hosting an Easter Egg Hunt, test your study skills and win a chocolate egg. Hurry while stocks last!

Study Skills with a Twist

It’s Study Skills time here at our campus libraries and we will be promoting it for the next two weeks. Assignments and eventually exams are coming up. And the library is here to help. Each campus library will have one of our signature book displays. But of course, you will be able to find more study skills books in our main stock and well-being collections. Books that cover a wide range of topics such as coping with exam stress, writing essays, writing dissertations and writing literature reviews. And of course, referencing guides. We also have a wide range selection for international students.

Study skills are important but we thought we might change things up this year, we thought how about we make it for fun. How about Easter Egg Hunt? That’s right we are giving you the opportunity to put your study skills to the test for your chance to win some chocolate goodies.

Easter Egg Hunt

You will find instructions and questions at the library catalogue machines at each campus library. (Additionally, you can ask for more information at the Library Help Desks)

Find the correct books on the question sheet, each book will have a token inside which you will need to bring to the Library Help Desk to claim your chocolate egg. You need to find all three tokens to claim your prize. Hurry while stocks last. And we wish you luck on your Easter Egg Hunt.

*one egg per person

You can practice using Library Search, don‘t forget to sign in https://napier.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?vid=44NAP_INST:44NAP_ALMA_VU1

And you can find more study skills guides over at Academic skills

Additionally, you can look at our guide to beat exam stress https://blogs.napier.ac.uk/library/2022/12/09/preparing-for-exams/

Photo source:  Eric Heininger Unsplash 

St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all our Irish students and staff.

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on 17th March. St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, but there are parades and parties worldwide due to the large numbers of people with Irish heritage spread across the world.


History of St.Patrick’s Day

Although there are no exact dates of his birth, it is believed that Patrick was born in the Roman-occupied north of England. and that he died on 17th March. His autobiographical work “Confessio” claims that when he was around 16, Patrick was taken from his home in Britain by Irish pirates who took him to Ireland as a slave. There he looked after animals for around six years and converted to Christianity. He fled captivity after hearing a voice telling him he would soon go home. He found passage on a ship and after several days walking he returned home. Following his return, Patrick studied Christianity in Europe-mostly in Auxerre, France and was ordained into the priesthood there. He later returned to Ireland as a missionary, and by the 7th century was already revered as the patron saint of Ireland.

The Irish Potato Famine

There are many people throughout the world with Irish ancestors due to the large numbers who emigrated because of the Irish Potato Famine. It started in 1845 when a fungus ruined around 75% of the annual potato crop, which most of the population relied on for food. Around one million Irish died before the end of the famine in 1852. Another million emigrated to countries such as Great Britain or the United States, and therefore you will find St. Patrick’s Day celebrated in many countries worldwide.


Today descendants of the immigrants celebrate their Irish heritage by dressing up in colourful clothing in green and gold (the colours of the Irish flag), joining parades of pipe bands, cheerleaders, and floats. One of the biggest parades outside Ireland is in New York which held its first parade in 1762. This was a time when the wearing of green was a sign of Irish pride but was banned in Ireland. The parade gave participants the freedom to speak Irish, wear green, sing Irish songs and play the pipes to Irish tunes that were meaningful to the Irish immigrants of that time.

Aside from parades, many pubs and restaurants host events with live music and singing, and you shouldn’t have to look too hard to find one in Edinburgh!

By Vivienne Hamilton

Read more on world festivals and traditions with our articles:

Chinese New Year

Scottish Traditions: Burn’s Night

The Ethiopia Timkat Festival,

New Year Traditions from Around the World

Also, don’t forget you can find out more about everything mentioned in this article at Librarysearch.napier.ac.uk



World Contact Day 👽

World Contact Day 👽

March 15th

Do you believe in E.T.?

World Contact Day brings together E.T. enthusiasts from all over the world with one mission in mind. To contact life forms beyond our planet and to celebrate the possibility of such entities existing.

Believe it or not, according to a survey conducted in 24 different countries, nearly half of the people believed an intelligent alien civilisation exists. With more than 60% believing there is some form of life on other planets.

This is not surprising with reports of UFO sightings, alien abductions, and retired government officials claiming to have had contact with E.T.’s and their technology. There’s Declassified government documents exposing the possibility of crashed UFO craft. As well as speculation of governments working with and using alien technology to enhance human life. The unexplained existence of Crop circles, unusual signals from space, fossils & meteorites show the possibility of life beyond earth and even ancient structures and civilisations claiming to have had first contact. Baring all this in mind it can be seen why the survey results were as high as they were. So how did World Contact Day first come into existence? Continue reading

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Neurodiversity Celebration Week is on the 13th – 19th of March this year and is a wonderful chance to embrace and learn about neurodiversity.

The term Neurodiversity encompasses a wide variety of neurological differences. The brain can be wired in a multitude of ways. This leads to many variable and complex possibilities for processing and understanding information. Although the use of labels is not always important, many in the community use the term “neurodiverse” to refer to people who may identify as having Dyslexia, DCD (Dyspraxia), Dyscalculia, Autism and ADHD.

Although often the focus is on the challenges associated with being Neurodiverse, there are also many strengths. Therefore, Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a chance for us to focus on the fantastic talents and special gifts that Neurodiversity can also give individuals.

Did you know people with ADHD are often highly creative and great at thinking outside the box? Autistic individuals can be incredible at spotting patterns and details often missed. Oh and we can be funny. Check out comedian Hannah Gatsby and her incredible standup. Not to mention fantastic actors, The renowned Anthony Hopkins is Autistic. Oh and don’t forget the incredible Chris Packham who not only has a brilliant career working with animals but does amazing work helping others in the community. This week join us outside of the box and learn about how great being neurodiverse can be!

Continue reading

LGBT+ History Month 2023

LGBT+ History Month

LGBT+ History Month and the Library

As we approach the end of February, we are coming to the end of LGBT+ History Month. While the book displays may come down, we would like to stress that this is not a monthly note in our calendar. We are an ally 365 days of the year, please browse our LibrarySearch catalogue for further reading.  Also in addition, we have our virtual bookshelves https://blogs.napier.ac.uk/library/virtual-bookshelves/ and a reading list over at our LibGuides page https://libguides.napier.ac.uk/wellbeing/sexuality

We want the library to be a safe and inclusive space for all our users. 

We are currently working on decolonising our reading list which we hope will be published soon. 

Continue reading

Love Your Library Week

❤Love Your Library Week, 13-17 February ❤

Love is in the air this week! To celebrate Valentine’s Day, why not drop by the library and help yourself to some love heart sweets until stocks last.  Leave us a little note telling us what you love about the library or what we can improve. We love getting feedback!

Library Information

Information on all the services the Library provides can be found on the My Napier Library Webpage.  Useful information includes opening hours, how to search for and borrow books, using our Click and Collect service, and how to order Inter-Library Loans. As well as finding information relevant to your subject area using our Subject Guides. And much much more. Have a little browse.  Additionally, if any important updates come in about the library, you will find them there.

My Napier Library webpages

 Library resources

One of our best resources is LibrarySearch.  We love to boast about it but we may be biased. It is the quickest and easiest way to search across our three libraries for the books and online resources you require. You can find hundreds of thousands of ebooks and subscription resources online without leaving your home. It really is that amazing.

Don’t forget, if you have any questions about the library, you can contact us via email at library@napier.ac.uk or call us on 0131 455 3500. We are here to help.

by Sarah Jeffcott

You can read about our previous Valentine’s Love your Library event here.

LGBTQ+ History Month

LGBTQ+ History Month

Today is the 1st of February and the 1st of February is the start of the celebration of LGBTQ+ History Month in the UK. Throughout the month, events are held nationwide to raise awareness and celebrate achievement and diversity while combating prejudice.

Events and celebrations are organised by the LGBTQ+  History Month organisation which was founded in 2004. The first LGBTQ+ History month was in February 2005 by was run by Sue Sanders and Paul Patrick. The organisation has three taglines ‘claiming our past, celebrating our present, creating our future’. The main aims are ‘increasing visibility, raising awareness and advancing education’. Whilst ‘working towards creating safe spaces and promoting welfare’. You can find all events that are taking place this month on the LGBTQ+ Plus History Month website here

Behind the Lens

The organisation runs a theme each year in order to raise more visibility of lived experiences. This year is ‘Behind the Lens’, celebrating LGBTQ+ peoples’ contributions to cinema and film. Looking at directors to animators, from special effects to lighting directors and beyond. As ‘at, a time when LGBTQ+ lives are in the media we also encourage you to look ‘Behind the Lens’ and listen to LGBT+ peoples’ lived experiences.’ Check out the LGBTQ+ History web pages here.

Here at The Library

Each campus library will have a display with information and books to celebrate the theme ‘Behind the Lens’, please feel free to have a look and you can borrow any book that takes your interest. Follow our social media for upcoming posts celebrating and happy LGBTQ+ History Month. You can also check out our LGBT+ bookshelves on the blog.

We have many, many more books and articles for you to read here at the Library so why not check out what’s available in our library catalogue: Librarysearch.napier.ac.uk

Sources: LGBTQ+ History web pages

Read more on this on the blog: Check out last year’s post LGBTQ+ History Month 2022

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year 

22nd January 2023, Year of the Rabbit

Happy New Year, 新年快乐, xīn nián kuài lè

January 22nd marks Chinese New Year, a holiday that is celebrated by 20% of the global population. Also known as the Spring Festival, it marks the end of the cooler months, taking place between 21st January and 20th February, lasting for 16 days.

Chinese New Year Traditions

Chinese New Year involves a lot of traditions involving decorations, food, and customs which symbolise blessings and good fortunes. Traditionally, it is a time spent with family (usually visiting elders of the husband’s side first), and large feasts are prepared particularly on New Year’s Eve which is considered a time for family reunion. Feasts are seen as offering to the gods and blessings for the New Year where ingredients’ names and appearances can symbolise good fortune.

Fireworks are set off at night and in the morning. According to the myth, night fireworks scare off monsters and bad luck, particularly the monster Nian (年) who was a monster that lived at the bottom of the sea. Once a year, he would scare people into mountains out of fear of eating them and their livestock. However, people soon realised that loud noises and the colour red scared off the monster and so began to fill their homes with red decorations and set off fireworks. And speaking of red, elders will give children red envelopes that contain money. It can be given to friends as well and now digitally. It is known as New Year money, carrying the hope of good fortune.

Year of the Rabbit

2023 marks the year of the Rabbit and unfortunately, if this is your zodiac, it means a year of bad luck. Rabbits are seen to have pure characteristics and are extremely kind. They are the fourth animal out of the zodiac. The legend is that Jade Emperor told the animals that the order of the zodiacs will be determined by which of the animals would arrive at his party. The Rabbit was confident of his speed so he decided to have a nap. By the time he woke up and went to the party, three other animals had already arrived before him. For any Rabbits out there, there is more information on how your 2023 will be at ChineseNewYear.net 


Read more about New Year traditions in our post on Scottish New Year traditions

Find more resources at Library Search 

Image source by Jason Leung 

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