Edinburgh Napier University

Search: “exams” (Page 1 of 3)

We found 23 results for your search.

Exams and Wellbeing

Exams and Wellbeing The first day of exams is today. We will be looking at the important dynamic between exams and wellbeing. Study Skills To ensure success in exams, it […]

Exams and Study

Exams and Study We know weโ€™ve been here before, echoing exams are upcoming. But itโ€™s that time of year. And we canโ€™t stress enough that the library is here to […]

Library Support: Assessments, Exams and Dissertations

Library Support: Assessments, Exams and Dissertations Exams are upon us, final assessments are upon us and dissertations are upon us. Itโ€™s that time of the year again. But the final […]

Stress Awareness Month: Exams

Stress awareness month raises awareness of the causes, dangers and learning how to cope with stress. We want to highlight that exams can also be a challenging part of your […]

ENU Alumni Network

ENU Alumni Network You might be graduating. Exams may be over; dissertations may be handed in and studies completed. But that doesnโ€™t mean your time with Edinburgh Napier is over. […]

Time to bring back library items

Time to bring back library items Reached the end of your course, well it’s time to bring back library items. Youโ€™ve reached the end of your course, youโ€™ve passed all […]

Stress Awareness Month 2024: Distress and how to De-Stress

Stress Awareness Month 2024: Distress and How to De-stress It is Stress Awareness Month, learn about distress and how to destress. First emerged in April 1992 in response to a […]


CO-WORKING COLLECTIVE   Where does the time go? And why do holidays always feel so short? Those are the questions that are no doubt on your mind as you return […]

Research Methods

Research Methods Introduction to Research Methodsโ€ฆ It is now that time of year when exams and deadlines are approaching fast. Whether these deadlines consist of coursework, essays, projects or presentations. […]

Easter Egg Hunt 2024

Easter Egg Hunt 2024 It’s that time of year again: Easter Egg Hunt 2024 edition. Hooray the Easter Bunny has arrived at our libraries. Our annual Easter Egg Hunt is […]

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