Edinburgh Napier University

Search: “exams” (Page 2 of 3)

We found 23 results for your search.

Library Training

Library Training The library offers a wide range of training events to help you with your studies. Trimester 2 is rolling in and not to add panic but soon assignments […]

Campus Libraries this Summer

Campus Libraries this Summer If you are heading off after exams we hope you have a great summer and we will see you again in September. If you are staying […]

A Quick Guide to Using Boolean: Top 5 Tricks

A Quick Guide to Using Boolean: Top 5 Tricks Improve your search results with Boolean search operators. Introduction to Boolean First off, what the heck is Boolean you may be […]

Returning borrowed items

Returning borrowed items Itโ€™s almost the end of term and time to take a break from studies and relax. You may be planning to return home, go on holiday or […]

Library’s Easter Egg Hunt

Library’s Easter Egg Hunt Each library campus is hosting an Easter Egg Hunt, test your study skills and win a chocolate egg. Hurry while stocks last! Study Skills with a […]

National Bed Month

National Bed Month March is National Bed Month so what better time to remind you how important it is to get enough good quality sleep – especially with dissertation deadlines […]

A Guide to Beating Exam Stress

A Guide to Beating Exam Stress It might be hard to believe, but exams are nearly here and 2022 is nearly over. I know, right!? The exam period can be […]

Postgraduate study

So, youโ€™ve finished your undergraduate degree, passed your exams and graduated. Phew! We give you our warmest congratulations and hope youโ€™re now enjoying a well-earned rest. But as your thoughts […]

Our Library over Summer

Our Library over Summer The exams may be over, but our campus libraries are still open and offering a full range of services. That means that you still have access […]

Meditation Day 21st of May

World Meditation Dayโ€“ 21st May โ€œYou should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.โ€ These words, attributed to […]

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