ENU Alumni Network

You might be graduating. Exams may be over; dissertations may be handed in and studies completed. But that doesn’t mean your time with Edinburgh Napier is over. Join the ENU Alumni network today.

ENU Alumni Network

165,000 members

183 countries

1 ENU Alumni Network

What is ENU Alumni Network

The alumni community has members across the world. There is no sign-up required as alumni are automatically enrolled on graduation day. The Alumni Team is responsible for helping these graduates stay in touch with each other and the University and organising opportunities that will help them advance in their careers.

Benefits of Joining Alumni Network:

There are opportunities to get involved with the alumni community all over the world. This network can help you take your career to the next level, breathe new life into your business, help you reminisce about University life and more.

Events programme

The Alumni Team runs a robust international events programme. Activities include business networking events, programme celebration reunions and alumni receptions.

Career opportunities

Alumni retain access to Student Futures’ careers support for two years after graduation. Entrepreneurial graduates have lifelong access to Bright Red Triangle, the University’s enterprise hub. The Alumni Team also organises other initiatives that will support graduates throughout their careers, such as digital networking groups.

Study Opportunities:

Looking to do a postgraduate degree at Edinburgh Napier, as an alumni member, you can receive a 20% discount on tuition fees for the first of your full-time course (Terms and conditions apply). Library access is free when applying 12 months after graduation. After this, it is 50% off library membership meaning for £20, you can have full access to library books and spaces. Please note you won’t have access to e-resources.

Keeping in touch

The above are just a couple of examples of how the Alumni Team supports the Edinburgh Napier alumni community, however, there are many other opportunities and benefits available to graduates. It’s important that alumni to keep their contact information up to date and follow the alumni’s social media channels so the Alumni Team to share information with them.

Learn more about the ENU Alumni Network: https://www.napier.ac.uk/alumni

Or contact the Alumni Team on: alumni@napier.ac.uk

Alumni can join networking groups to meet fellow alumni, share ideas or ask for advice. By keeping in touch with the University after graduation, you will also receive invitations to networking events, reunion get-togethers, further study opportunities and hear about upcoming activities that will help you in your future career.

Keep in touch and stay connected.

And remember the library blog for all updates.