Edinburgh Napier University

Tag: Edinburgh Napier University (Page 1 of 8)

Charles Dickens’ Birthday

Charles Dickens’ Birthday

Happy birthday, Charles John Huffam Dickens – born this day 212 years ago and still going strong!

Not many authors get their names turned into adjectives, but our Charles did. If I were to describe circumstances as “Dickensian”, you’d know exactly what I mean. It’s thanks to this forensic analysis of the seedier aspects of London life that he’s generally considered to be the greatest Victorian novelist.


He didn’t have the best start in life, young Charles. His father had a decent job but was so financially reckless that he ended up in debtors’ prison, and his 12-year-old son was withdrawn from school and sent to work in a factory. It was all grist to the mill, though, for Dickens. This harsh start provided a rich source of material for him to draw on when he wrote his sprawling, serialized novels and created his many memorable characters – so much larger than life that they live on in our cultural imaginations more than two centuries on.


Who has not known an Ebenezer Scrooge? (I’ve known a few). How many of us have skelped an artful dodger around the lugs? (I’m not admitting to that one.) Who has not cheered on Philip (Pip) Pirrip as he rises up to become a gentleman and then remonstrated with him when he treats brother-in-law Joe so abominably? Who has not cried with Bob Cratchit as he strives to keep his young son alive?

You’ll have your favourite characters. Some are sweet and innocent, some are cruel and heartless; still, others are preposterous buffoons. My favourite is Betsey Trotwood, David Copperfield’s eccentric aunt. She’s stern and stubborn, to begin with but comes good in the end. If you’re looking for character transformation, look no further than BT.

Charles Dickens on LibrarySearch

We’ve got all Dickens’ books. If you haven’t read any, why not start today.  Log into the library catalogue LibrarySearch to see which are available:

In order of publication:

Pickwick Papers (1836-37)

A Christmas Carol (1843)

Oliver Twist (1837-9)

Nicholas Nickelby (1838-9)

The Old Curiosity Shop (1940-1)

Barnaby Rudge (1841)

Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-4)

Dombey and Son (1846-8)

David Copperfield (1849-50)

Bleak House (1852-3)

Hard Times (1854)

Little Dorritt (1855-7)

A Tale of Two Cities (1859)

Great Expectations (1860-1)

Our Mutual Friend (1864-5)

The Mystery of Edwin Drood (incomplete when Dickens died in 1870)

By Lesley McRobb

Read more on another Literary Master, Jane Austin in our post on her here.


photo by Taha (Unsplash)

Check our A-Z databases list – unlock specialised resources

Check our A-Z databases list – unlock specialised resources

To prepare for your classes and assessments, having access to specialised resources is crucial. One of the best ways to find these resources is by exploring the library’s A-Z databases list. Here’s why this tool is invaluable and how it can benefit your studies.


Why check the A-Z databases list?

The A-Z databases list is a comprehensive directory of databases the library subscribes to, organised alphabetically. These databases cover a wide range of subjects and provide access to specialised academic resources, including journal articles, reports, and more. Accessing databases such as CINAHL, ACM or Lexis+ through our A-Z databases page, you will gain seamless access to these valuable tools.


Benefits of using databases:

  1. Access resources relevant to your research. The A-Z databases list includes databases that focus on specific disciplines, such as computing, nursing, business, and more. This means you can find high-quality, peer-reviewed resources that are directly relevant to your field of study.
  2. Enhance research quality. By using specialised databases, you can access a wealth of information that may not be available through general search engines. This can significantly enhance the quality and reliability of your research.
  3. Save time. Instead of sifting through countless irrelevant results, the A-Z databases list allows you to go straight to the sources that matter. This targeted approach saves you time and makes your research process more efficient.


How to use the A-Z databases list

You can access the A-Z databases list through the LibrarySearch. You will find the Databases tab at the top of the page. Browse the list alphabetically or use subject filters to find databases relevant to your research. Each database has a description and basic information about the resource which will help you choose the right ones for your needs.

By regularly using the A-Z databases list for your studies, you can unlock a world of specialised resources that will elevate your academic work.

By Patrycja Respondek

Read more about LibrarySearch on the blog with our article  Introduction to librarysearch


Clear your browser cache & cookies – a simple step for seamless access

Clear your browser cache & cookies – a simple step for seamless access

Clear your browser cache & cookies can be a simple step for seamless access. E-resources that are just one click away probably make up the majority of reading and reference lists. We all love seamless access to articles and ebooks: you find it in the Library Search and read it a second later. However, many students overlook a simple yet crucial step that can ensure you won’t stumble upon an “access denied” error when browsing online library resources: clearing the browser cache and cookies. Here’s what cache and cookies are and why you should remember to clear them.

Cache & cookies – what are they?

Your browser cache is a collection of temporary files that your web browser automatically saves as you visit websites. These files include images, sounds, code, and more, which help websites load faster on following visits. Cookies, on the other hand, are small pieces of data stored by websites to remember your preferences and login information.

Why clearing cache & cookies can help

Over time, the cache can accumulate outdated or corrupted files, leading to conflicts and bugs that interfere with website functionality. For instance, if a website has been updated but your browser is still using old cached files, you might encounter problems even after the website itself has been fixed. Clearing your cache forces your browser to download the latest versions of these files, often resolving problems with accessing online resources.

Similarly, cookies can store outdated login credentials, causing authentication errors when trying to access eresources through institutional logins. By clearing cookies, you remove these old credentials, allowing for a fresh login session.

The main takeaway is that when you next can’t access an article or an ebook you found in our Library Search, clear your browser cache and cookies for all times and then try again! Chances are that will solve the problem. If not, don’t hesitate to report an issue by clicking on the wrench icon next to the item in the Library Search.

How to clear your cache

Clearing your cache is an easy process that varies slightly depending on the browser you use. Generally, you can find this option in your browser’s settings under privacy or history. Make it a habit to clear your cache regularly, especially before starting a new research project or when you notice performance issues.

By taking this simple step, you can ensure you get seamless access to online journals and ebooks our library offers.

Instructions for clearing the cache can be found within the relevant browser’s help pages – see links below:

  • Google Chrome – instructions for clearing cache can be found on the Google web pages.
  • Microsoft Edge – instructions for clearing cache can be found on the Microsoft web pages.
  • Mozilla Firefox – instructions for clearing cache can be found on the Mozilla web pages.
  • Apple Safari on a Mac – instructions for clearing cache can be found on the Apple web pages.
  • Apple Safari on an iPhone or iPad – instructions for clearing cache can be found on the Apple web pages.

By Patrycja Respondek

Read more about our E-Resources on the blog with our article  Eresources and Accessibility


Use Library Search – your map to academic success

Use Library Search – your map to academic success

Navigating the vast array of resources available in an academic library can be daunting. Fortunately, the library catalogue is here to help. Think of our Library Search as your map to discovering a wealth of academic materials that will show you the quickest and most direct route to exactly what you need for your next assignment.

Why use the Library Search?

The Library Search is a central catalogue that lists all the books, and e-resources, including online journals, multimedia, and everything else available in the library across all three campuses. It allows you to search for specific titles, authors, and keywords, providing a quick and easy way to locate the materials you need. Most importantly, if you are searching for online resources, such as journal articles or ebooks, using the Library Search will give you seamless access to full text, usually with just one click.

Benefits of using Library Search

  1. Efficient resource discovery: The library catalogue saves you time by helping you quickly find the resources you need. Instead of wandering through shelves or browsing aimlessly online, you can use the catalogue to pinpoint exactly where to find the relevant materials.
  2. Access to a wide range of resources: The catalogue includes not only physical books and journals but also ebooks, online journals, digital archives, and multimedia resources. So much variety, all available in one place.
  3. Stay organised: Using the catalogue helps you keep track of the resources you’ve found and plan your research more effectively. You can save searches, create lists, and export citations, all to make your research process more organised and manageable.

Make the most of the Library Search

  • Remember to sign in: This will ensure that you get instant access to library e-resources.
  • Enter keywords related to your topic, a title, or an author’s name: And remember to use Advanced Search; it is a great way to get more relevant results, so give it a go!
  • Use filters on the right-hand side to narrow down the results: This way, you can find resources from specific time periods, select a type of material, subject, and much more. This will give you a list of the most relevant resources in seconds.

If you have any questions or come across any issues, don’t hesitate to ask us for assistance. You can also find more information on MyNapier Library pages.

By mastering the use of the Library Search, you can navigate your academic journey with confidence and efficiency. Stay tuned for more tips on making the most of your library’s e-resources!

By Patrycja Respondek

Read more about LibrarySearch on the blog with our article  Introduction to librarysearch


Bonfire Night and The Gunpowder Plot

Bonfire Night and The Gunpowder Plot

In 2018, UK consumers spent £316 million on Bonfire Night, also known as Fireworks Night or Guy Fawkes Night, according to market research company Mintel. Most of that money went up in smoke, spent on fireworks and bonfires. Fireworks displays remained the most popular way to celebrate, with 38% of the population attending an event.

The Gunpowder Plot

Bonfire Night traces back to a 17th-century religious and political plot. In 1605, English Catholics, led by Robert Catesby, planned to blow up King James and his government during Parliament’s State Opening on November 6. They aimed to install a Catholic head of state to end Catholic persecution, following years of religious strife with the Roman Church.

Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes, a minor conspirator, gained fame due to his role in guarding the explosives. After an anonymous tip-off, authorities searched the Palace of Westminster’s cellars and found him with 36 barrels of gunpowder. This discovery led to today’s ceremonial “search” of Parliament before each State Opening, carried out by the Yeoman of the Guard, who are rewarded with port.

The plot began in a pub, the Duck and Drake. Fawkes, a mercenary, was hired to ignite the gunpowder. The conspirators rented a cellar beneath the House of Lords and filled it with explosives, delaying their plan twice. Eventually, authorities discovered the plot, and Catesby was killed resisting arrest. Others were tortured, tried, and sentenced to be hung, drawn, and quartered. Fawkes escaped the full punishment by breaking his neck on his way to the scaffold.

Following news of the plot’s failure, Londoners celebrated spontaneously, lighting bonfires. A later Act of Parliament mandated annual commemorations with church services of thanksgiving, though it was repealed in 1859.

This ‘search’ continues today before every State Opening of Parliament, albeit ceremonially, with the searchers, the Yeoman of the Guard, rewarded with a glass of port.  

Continue reading

Finding your book with Dewey Decimal Shelf Marks

Finding your book with Dewey Decimal Shelf Marks

HELP! How do I find my book?

Finding your book with Dewey Decimal Shelf Marks may seem confusing at first but really it is very straightforward. First off, make sure you have checked your book is available by looking it up on our Library Catalogue: LibrarySearch

For help using LibrarySearch read our quick guide here: Quick Guide to LibrarySearch

Not only will you find the shelfmark that will help you locate your book, but it will also show you if copies are available.

Screenshot for a book on Librarysearch

What’s it all mean?

Green means go! So if you see the words “available at” like in the above picture. You know you should be able to find the book on the shelf.

Here you can see that there is an available copy of this book. The word “available” is green (for yes we have it) and it is located at Merchiston Library shelfmark: 891.7342 BUL

Hurray! But now what?

Now you can go find your book!

The shelfmark is your book’s location so you will need to find it (kinda like a very simple treasure hunt!)

Start by matching the first part of the number: 891


Once you have located the 891’s it’s time to delve deeper. Now you need to match the digits after the 891.


That’s the 7342 after the decimal point. These numbers help narrow down the subject.

Once you have all the numbers matched you look at the Letters, in this case, BUL.

891.7342 BUL

The letters usually refer to the author or editor, not the title.

The author of this book is Bulgakov, so BUL are the letters to match.

These go in alphabetical order so work your way along till you find your book.

Quick synopsis:

  1. Match the first 3 digits
  2. Match the digits after the decimal point
  3. Match the letters


It’s as simple as that…ok maybe not that simple!

If you have any problems a member of the Library staff will be happy to help! Also you can read more on the History of the Dewey Decimal system here on the blog in the article The Dewey Decimal Classification System

International Day of Friendship

International Day of Friendship

July 30th

What’s it about?

International Day of Friendship reminds us of the importance of friends and the role they play in our lives. On a larger scale, it encourages us to acknowledge and foster friendships based on mutual understanding. Growing between individuals and communities, transcending race, ethnicity, religion, and nationality.

The day serves as an opportunity for people to reach out to their friends as well as make new ones. It asks us to engage in acts of kindness, promoting initiatives that contribute to social cohesion and understanding. It encourages people to bridge gaps, build connections, and promote a sense of empathy and compassion towards one another.

Its acceptance was a natural progression from the 1997 UN General Assembly’s agreement. Looking to embrace the Culture of Peace, and to work towards rejecting violence and preventing conflict, by promoting values and behaviours which encompassed this ethos.

The UN believes friendship can play a crucial role in promoting peace, harmony, and solidarity among people, leading to a more tolerant and inclusive society, and so it was decided in 2011 that July the 30th should be International Day of Friendship. An idea that was first suggested by Dr Ramon Artemio Bracho in Paraguay, in 1958.

Edinburgh Napier University’s International Friendship Club

At Edinburgh Napier University, through the Friendship Club, our students get the opportunity to meet and interact with other students studying at the University from all over the world. Hosted by the Visa and International Support team, the International Friendship Club carries out events throughout the academic year.

Sitcoms and Friendships

And of course, there have been sitcoms about friendships, following the trials and tribulations they face in life, work, and relationships.  Going on to “become a pop culture staple for their relatability and hilarious dynamics”. Some of the popular friendship-based sitcoms have been:


The Big Bang Theory

That 70’s show


New Girl

The Young Ones

How is the day celebrated?

The day is celebrated in various ways with events and activities taking place, including community gatherings, workshops, and awareness campaigns, all aimed at promoting friendship and cultural exchange.

How will you be celebrating friendship day?

Tell us your thought in the comments

By Mo Almas

Read more on our blog from Mo:

National paranormal day

Global Beatles Day

Image Source: Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

Star Wars Day

May the Fourth be with you! Star Wars Day

May the fourth is commonly known around the world by Star Wars fans as Star Wars Day. This is because May the 4th sounds a bit like “May the fourth”. Part of a very famous quote from the film “May the force be with you”.

The History of Star Wars

The Star Wars film franchise is probably one of the biggest, if not the biggest in the world. Created by the founder, former chairman and CEO of Lucasfilm, George Lucas. The first film came out way back in 1977. It was widely expected to be a flop and in fact, Lucas made a bet with Steven Spielberg that ended up costing him £40 Million! He traded a percentage of the takings that turned out to be the best bet Spielberg ever made. Here’s Spielberg talking about it

“[He  said] All right, I’ll tell you what. I’ll trade some points with you. You want to trade some points? I’ll give you 2.5% of Star Wars if you give me 2.5% of Close Encounters.’ So I said, ‘Sure, I’ll gamble with that. Great.’”

The film and its franchise have gone on to become one of the most beloved cult classics of our time. It still continues to grow and expand. The biggest spin-off so far is The Mandalorian and its scene-stealing star”Baby Yoda” aka Grougru.

Fun fact, did you know The Last Jedi was called “Space Bears” during its filming?

Why not have a quick Google search will have you lost for hours in all the amazing facts associated with this movieverse.

Star Wars Day

Events are held all over the world every year to celebrate this beloved Universe. From large get-togethers to home-based movie marathons. Why not host your own celebration this year? Get on some costumes and maybe try out some Star Wars recipes.

Library Resources

Want to watch the films right now? We can help! If you are an Edinburgh Napier University student or staff member then log into Box of Broadcasts (BoB) and you will be able to watch many of the films for free.

Also, check out librarysearch.napier.ac.uk for loads of fascinating items relating to Star Wars! We have a wealth of books, scores and articles.

All that’s left to say is “May the Force/fourth be with you!”

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/star-wars-movie-log-support-r2d2-2172948/

Read more form our blog on Geeky fun with our post on the History of Lego

🏳️‍🌈LGBT+ History Month 🏳️‍🌈

Celebrating LGBT+ History Month

February is the month we celebrate LGBT+ History here in the UK. It is a month-long celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and non-binary history, including the history of LGBT+ rights and related civil rights movements. In the United Kingdom, we celebrate it in February to coincide with the 2003 abolition of Section 28.

What we are doing

Here at the Library, we think it is incredibly important to support and promote equality and diversity. Furthermore, we are working hard to create more inclusive collections and to support our LGBT+ users and staff. For example, we are currently creating a permanent LGBT+ virtual bookshelf here on our blog, and we are training our staff to be inclusive in their actions and the language they use.


If you are an LGBT+ student you can join Edinburgh Napier’s LGBT+ Society.   You can also find out more about the student LGBT+ community on the Queer Napier site. Staff can join the University’s thriving LGBT+ Network or you can visit our web pages to learn more about becoming an ally.

In addition, The Library has a wealth of books and articles on the subject. From the history of LGBT+ rights to current Legal information to keep you informed. Use LibrarySearch to find what you are looking for, or contact us for help with any of your research needs. 

Here are some items available through the Library to get you started: 

Same-sex, different politics: success and failure in the struggles over gay rights

Lgbt Activism and the Making of Europe A Rainbow Europe  

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people (LGBT) and the criminal justice system


Pride Parades and LGBT Movements: Political Participation in an International Comparative Perspective

Similarly, want to know more about Pride Month?  Check out our article here.

Photo source: Photo by Jas Min on Unsplash

Lego Day

Celebrating Lego Day

It’s world Lego day today. Lego is one of those toys that is ubiquitous with childhood. Anyone growing up in the West will know immediately what you mean when you mention it. It is the joy of Children everywhere, and the thing that drives most parents mad. Is there anything more painful to stand on!?!

In fact, people who have regularly experienced walking on hot coals and broken glass say Lego is by far the worst thing to walk on (source). Feeling brave? You always have a go at the Lego Firewalk. Personally, I’d rather walk on glass or coals!


It was in Denmark, at Ole Kirk Christiansen’s workshop where Lego was firstborn. In 1934 it became called Lego after the Danish phrase leg godt.  They were originally called Automatic Binding Bricks, but less originally they were based on the Kiddicraft Self-Locking Bricks, already patented in the UK.

Over time Lego has grown to become the biggest toy company in the world and is not only used as toys but as movies, artworks and they even made an amusement park you can visit.

Mindfulness and Lego

Lego is no longer just for children; in fact, they have many Lego sets dedicated to adults. There is some fascinating research connected to mindfulness about how doing Lego can help our mental health. We actually keep a Lego set behind each Library Help Desk you can borrow for free. Why not check one out next time you visit…if the library staff aren’t already playing with them that is!

Learn More

We have a fascinating and diverse range of materials for you to read on Lego, from issues with Dentistry (teeth and Lego are a bad mix it seems!) to build your own Lego Robots. Check out Librarysearch.napier.ac.uk.. Just type in the word “Lego” and start reading!

By Juliet Kinsey

Sources: Wikipedia

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