Edinburgh Napier University

Search: “history” (Page 8 of 10)

We found 92 results for your search.

Japanese Manga Art

Japanese Manga Art What is Manga? Manga is Japanese comics, and graphics, in newspapers, magazines and books, that emerged in the 1920s. The word consists of ‘man’, ‘whimsical’ and ‘pictures. […]

Edinburgh’s First Commonwealth Games

Edinburgh’s First Commonwealth Games The 22nd Commonwealth Games begin in Birmingham this month and are expected to be the largest yet staged. Edinburgh has played host to the games twice. […]

Celebrating Pride Month

Celebrating Pride Month The start of June is upon us which means the start of Pride month. After all, June is the month of pride. Why June you may ask? […]

The Edward Clark Collection

Hidden treasures: The Edward Clark Collection The Edward Clark Collection, housed in the library at the Merchiston campus, is not as well-known as it should be. It is one of […]

May Day The Beginning of Spring

Springtime Is there anything that gladdens the heart of the city-dweller more than the glorious pink of cherry- and the wondrous white of apple blossom lining the grimy streets? Personally, […]

What the Librarians are reading: Books we recommend!

Image Source What the librarians are reading: Books we recommend! Part 1 Stumped for your next read? Curious what the book professionals are reading? Look no further!  Here’s a peek […]

AM Explorer Database: Millions of pages of primary sources spanning the 15th – 21st centuries

Trial Access to AM Explorer Database We have trial access to AM Explorer from Adam Matthew Digital until 5 May 2022. This fascinating resource will be of interest to staff […]

Chinese New Year

For Chinese New Year, it is the year of the Tiger and one of the most important celebrations!   It celebrates the beginning of a new year also known as […]

Scottish Traditions: Burn’s Night

Burns Night Burns Night is a traditional celebration of Scotland’s national bard, or poet, Robert Burns. It is held on 25th January, Burns’s birthday, when Burns suppers are held. They […]

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Today is Martin Luther King day, an American holiday that is always celebrated on the third Monday in January. It’s almost 54 years since Dr King, a Baptist minister and […]

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