Edinburgh Napier University

Search: “writing” (Page 4 of 4)

We found 35 results for your search.

Book Week Scotland (15th- 21st November 2021)

As the nights draw in and winter approaches you might be thinking about the pleasure of cosying up on the sofa with a good book and, if you’re wondering what […]

Dyslexia Awareness Week

Dyslexia Awareness Week It is Dyslexia awareness week in the UK, and we are here to guide and increase visibility to people all over the world!  The theme this year is Breaking Through Barriers. Dyslexia Awareness Week […]

Don’t waste the world!

You are just one step away from reducing your carbon footprint for World Environment Day on the 5th June 2021… Every year, World Environment Day is celebrated to restore ecosystems […]

What Library Staff Have Been Reading 📖

Have you been at a loss for what book to crack open next and searching for recommendations? Look no further! Edinburgh Napier Library staff have been turning those pages during […]

Dissertation Preparation

Are you preparing for your dissertation? We’re here to help!

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