Edinburgh Napier University

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We found 297 results for your search.

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Neurodiversity Celebration Week Neurodiversity Celebration Week is on the 13th – 19th of March this year and is a wonderful chance to embrace and learn about neurodiversity. The term Neurodiversity […]

Women’s History Month 2023

Women’s History Month 2023 It’s Womenโ€™s History Month 2023. It is celebrated throughout March to highlight the often overlooked contributions that women have made in history and modern times. It […]

Celebrating International Women’s Day

ย Celebrating International Women’s Day Inspiring women of Scotland Celebrating International Women’s Day in Scotland,ย  we thought it might be nice to pay homage to some incredible Scottish women both alive […]

National Bed Month

National Bed Month March is National Bed Month so what better time to remind you how important it is to get enough good quality sleep – especially with dissertation deadlines […]

LGBT+ History Month 2023

LGBT+ History Month LGBT+ History Month and the Library As we approach the end of February, we are coming to the end of LGBT+ History Month. While the book displays […]

Charles Darwin Day

Charles Darwin Day What an adventure! Virgin jungles, unclimbed mountains, teeming oceans, tropical rainforests, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes โ€“ Charles Darwin saw it all on his five-year voyage around South America. […]

Charles Dickens’ Birthday

Charles Dickens’ Birthday Happy birthday, Charles John Huffam Dickens โ€“ born this day 211 years ago and still going strong! Not many authors get their names turned into adjectives, but […]

Finding your book with Dewey Decimal Shelf Marks

HELP! How do I find my book? First off, make sure you have checked your book is available by looking it up on librarysearch.napier.ac.uk Not only will you find the […]

LGBTQ+ History Month

LGBTQ+ History Month Today is the 1st of February and the 1st of February is the start of the celebration of LGBTQ+ History Month in the UK. Throughout the month, […]

RSPB Garden Birdwatch

RSPB Garden Birdwatch This year weโ€™re promoting the RSPB Garden Birdwatch in our relaxation spaces. The birdwatch has been running since 1979 and itโ€™s very simple to take part in. […]

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