Edinburgh Napier University

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October Graduations : Information you should know

You’ve reached the end of your course, you’ve passed your exams and so on to Graduation! Show your Love for the Library by clearing your library record before you leave! […]

Black History Month

Black History Month 2021 runs throughout October and is a celebration of the often-overlooked contributions made by Black people to our shared history. It allows us to celebrate Black people […]

Libraries Week 4-10 October 2021

Taking Action Changing Lives : Libraries Week 4-10 October 2021 It’s Libraries week again and this year we are celebrating the best that libraries have to offer. We are looking […]

Dyslexia Awareness Week

Dyslexia Awareness Week It is Dyslexia awareness week in the UK, and we are here to guide and increase visibility to people all over the world!  The theme this year is Breaking Through Barriers. Dyslexia Awareness Week […]

Welcome back to campus

Welcome back to our returning students. We hope you enjoyed your summer and are ready for the new academic year. You will find there are still some covid-19 precautionary measures […]

Starting University in September?

It can be both an exciting and a daunting time in your life… starting university! Perhaps you are moving to a new city or accommodation and feeling a whirlwind of […]

Welcome to the Library: Introduction Sessions

Welcome to the Online Library This session will give you a quick introduction to using Edinburgh Napier University Library resources online. We’ll demonstrate how to: Find ebooks using LibrarySearch. Find […]

LibGuides: What are they and why should you use them.

LibGuides Libguides are a fantastic resource for finding information bespoke to your subject area. Our Librarians have spent time creating custom made guides that help you get the most relevant […]

🏳‍🌈 Celebrating Pride Month at Edinburgh Napier University

The month of June is Pride Month and here at the Library we “pride” ourselves on being an inclusive and welcoming place to visit. We thought it might be interesting […]

Graduating this year? This article is for you!

You’ve reached the end of your course, you’ve passed all your exams and so onto Graduation! It’s that time of year when we say Love Your Library, please clear your […]

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