Edinburgh Napier University

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We found 144 results for your search.

Our Library over Summer

Our Library over Summer The exams may be over, but our campus libraries are still open and offering a full range of services. That means that you still have access […]

World Ocean Day Wednesday 8th of June 2022

World Ocean Day Wednesday 8th of June 2022 World Ocean Day was recognised by the United Nations in 2008. It advocates for protecting, restoring, and learning more about the blue […]

Celebrating Pride Month

Celebrating Pride Month The start of June is upon us which means the start of Pride month. After all, June is the month of pride. Why June you may ask? […]

The Edward Clark Collection

Hidden treasures: The Edward Clark Collection The Edward Clark Collection, housed in the library at the Merchiston campus, is not as well-known as it should be. It is one of […]

Meditation Day 21st of May

World Meditation Dayโ€“ 21st May โ€œYou should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.โ€ These words, attributed to […]

Keep the Heid and Read!

Keep the Heid and Read! Scotland’s Reading Moment 2022 We all know the pleasure of becoming absorbed in the plot of a really good book! That feeling of being unable […]

Mental Health Awareness Week 9th-15th May 2022

      Mental Health Awareness week is an annual campaign to focus on achieving good mental health. It is part of the Mental Health Foundation that was established 21 […]

Graduating this year? This article is for you!

Congratulations! Youโ€™ve reached the end of your course, youโ€™ve passed all your exams and so onto Graduation! Itโ€™s that time of year when we say Love Your Library, please clear […]

A Quick Guide to Finding a Book with LibrarySearch

Finding a book with LibrarySearch Are deadlines coming up? Assignments due? And Google just wonโ€™t do. Our quick guide to finding a book with LibrarySearch that will save the day! […]

Stress Awareness Month: Exams

Stress awareness month raises awareness of the causes, dangers and learning how to cope with stress. We want to highlight that exams can also be a challenging part of your […]

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