Image by athree23 from Pixabay
At the Library we are always trying to find new ways to improve. To make our resources both more accessible and more relevant to our users. The best way to do this is of course feedback!
You can give us feedback in a variety of different ways, from filling out a feedback slip in the library to tweeting us on Twitter.
We take your feedback very seriously and always try to learn from it. It is one of the many reasons we have been accredited with a CSE Award for Customer Service Excellence.
So if you ever have anything you’d like to say, or ideas on how we can improve, please contact us through any of the following ways:
Email library@napier.ac.uk
@ednaplib on Twitter
@ENULibrary on Instagram
Calling 0131 455 350
Or eventually when it is safe to do so, over the Service Desks at your Campus Library.
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