International Cat Day
After the last few years of remote working and with staff working more from home now, meeting their feline companions during online meetings has been so much fun. Little furry faces and tails have often popped up mid-way through a very important discussion. Many of our staff have loved being able to spend more time with their creatures of choice and I know I love having a friendly work buddy to hang out with at home during the workday,
So that’s why to celebrate this year’s International cat day we think it would be nice to introduce you all to some of our furry friends.
Librarians and their cats
First up meet Aila. Alia is almost 17 years young and can be seen here enjoying the lovely sunshine. Aila’s human is Carol.

Next up is Maxie. Maxie is 6ish but doesn’t think age matters. Quite right Maxie. Maxie’s hobbies include chasing birds, eating cheese and meowing very loudly all day long! Maxie’s human is Judy,

Following Maxie we have Vivienne’s cats Smudge and Tigger. Smudge enjoys being petted and staring at the fridge until ham magically appears. Smudge also enjoys investigating places, especially the chimney. It’s good to be curious Smudge. Tigger is a little more timid and laid back. He enjoys pets…but only a little. Not too much mind. It’s good to hear about a cat with strong boundaries. We should all be more like Tigger.

Now for two lookers, meet Lucy the British Blue at a stately 10 years young and Millie the ragdoll at a youthful 3. Both are gorgeous and both share a similar love for relaxing and comfy surfaces. Sounds like they know what they like. I have to say I too enjoy both these things. Their lucky human is Helen.

Tracey’s cat friend is the lovely Nell. Nell was rehomed when she was still a kitten and is now almost 4 years old. Both adored and spoiled she loves the outdoors and being social. She love’s to bring home pals to meet the family (and her food bowl). Who doesn’t love to host a dinner party Nell? Nice to hear about a socialising cat. Break those stereotypes Nell!

Now to meet Folie. Described by her human Peg as “a complete weirdo”. I’m sure Folie feels the same about her human. Her hobbies include hogging the remote and leg attacks.Β It’s good to stay sharp Folie, you never know when you will be called to action. She also enjoys avoiding toddlers and maintaining a shocked expression. Folie sounds like my kind of cat.

This lovely kitty is Oscar. He’s our sport fanatic. Oscar loves nothing more than a bit of tennis, football or snooker. Anything with a ball keeps this kitty happy. Oscar is 13 and is the proud companion of our librarian Sarah.

Next up is my cat, Brindle. Brindle is part Siberian and a young at heart 12 years old. Brin Brin as she is known enjoys not being chased by small children and not having her tail pulled. Other hobbies include shouting at the magpies in the back garden as early in the morning as possible and snuggling with her favourite human (that’s me!).Β She would also like it known that she enjoys playing fetch and will happily retrieve any items thrown her way. Sometimes, being wiser than her human she will retrieve important things at 3am as she is very goal orientated and is also aware that humans can be very forgetful and lose things. Thank you Brindle for being so thoughtful.

Now we’ve saved someone very special for last. Nacho is Isabell’s special cat. Oh and I do mean special! Nacho isn’t any old cat…oh no! Nacho is a Polydactyl cat. She’s a cat with thumbs people…thumbs! Next step in evolution I say. A sure sign that cats are on their way to becoming our feline overlords. Not Nacho though. Nacho is a cutie. She is 8 years old but is a kitten at heart. she loves being cuddled like a baby over the shoulder and has a very sweet tooth.Β She puts her thumbs to good use too, getting her treats out of the jar. Bravo and two thumbs up from this human for Nacho!

So there you have it for International cat day. A selection of our feline companions, all of whom work tirelessly to support their hard-working humans in the Library. Want to know more about cats? Well of course you do! You can find lots of fascinating information on cats through
Not a fluffy animal person? We have you covered too. Check out our article on National Insect week instead.
And don’t worry all you “I’m more of a dog person” types. We will be back soon with some of our dog companions later in the month for International dog day!
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