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Unveiling History: Opening Merchiston Tower for Doors Open Days 2023

Doors Open Days, the annual celebration of Scotland’s rich architectural heritage, is back in 2023 with a remarkable addition to its lineup – the historic Merchiston Tower in Edinburgh. This iconic structure, nestled in the heart of Edinburg Napier University’s Marchiston Campus, will swing its doors wide open to the public, offering a rare opportunity to step back in time and explore its captivating history.

History Of Merchiston Tower

Merchiston Tower, formally part of Merchiston Castle, is a splendid example of Scottish Baronial architecture. Dating back to the 15th century, it stands as a testament to the enduring allure of ancient Scottish castles. The tower was originally constructed as a grand residence for the Napier family, whose most famous member, John Napier, invented logarithms and contributed significantly to the development of modern mathematics.

As you step into Merchiston Tower, you’ll be transported through time to a bygone era. The interior boasts an enchanting blend of historical elements and modern-day conservation efforts. You can marvel at the intricately decorated ceilings, wood-panelled rooms, and original architectural features.

Merchiston Tower 2023

Beyond the historical significance, Merchiston Tower continues to play a vital role in contemporary Edinburgh. It serves as the main building for Napier University, contributing to the education and development of future generations. Doors Open Days 2023 not only invites you to explore the past but also celebrate the present and envision the future.

Visiting Merchiston Tower during Doors Open Days 2023 is an opportunity to connect with Scotland’s history, culture, and architectural heritage. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, an architecture buff, or simply curious about the stories hidden within these ancient walls, this event promises an unforgettable experience.

So, mark your calendars and be prepared to be enchanted by the timeless charm of Merchiston Tower. Doors Open Days 2023 promises to be an unforgettable journey through Scotland’s rich heritage, and Merchiston Tower is undoubtedly one of its crown jewels. Don’t miss your chance to step into the past and discover the magic of this historic landmark.

Read all about Open Day and other events happening in Scotland

And you can read a little more about the history of Merchiston CampusΒ 

By Ian Sudlow-Mackay