Clear your browser cache & cookies – a simple step for seamless access

Clear your browser cache & cookies can be a simple step for seamless access. E-resources that are just one click away probably make up the majority of reading and reference lists. We all love seamless access to articles and ebooks: you find it in the Library Search and read it a second later. However, many students overlook a simple yet crucial step that can ensure you won’t stumble upon an “access denied” error when browsing online library resources: clearing the browser cache and cookies. Here’s what cache and cookies are and why you should remember to clear them.

Cache & cookies – what are they?

Your browser cache is a collection of temporary files that your web browser automatically saves as you visit websites. These files include images, sounds, code, and more, which help websites load faster on following visits. Cookies, on the other hand, are small pieces of data stored by websites to remember your preferences and login information.

Why clearing cache & cookies can help

Over time, the cache can accumulate outdated or corrupted files, leading to conflicts and bugs that interfere with website functionality. For instance, if a website has been updated but your browser is still using old cached files, you might encounter problems even after the website itself has been fixed. Clearing your cache forces your browser to download the latest versions of these files, often resolving problems with accessing online resources.

Similarly, cookies can store outdated login credentials, causing authentication errors when trying to access eresources through institutional logins. By clearing cookies, you remove these old credentials, allowing for a fresh login session.

The main takeaway is that when you next can’t access an article or an ebook you found in our Library Search, clear your browser cache and cookies for all times and then try again! Chances are that will solve the problem. If not, don’t hesitate to report an issue by clicking on the wrench icon next to the item in the Library Search.

How to clear your cache

Clearing your cache is an easy process that varies slightly depending on the browser you use. Generally, you can find this option in your browser’s settings under privacy or history. Make it a habit to clear your cache regularly, especially before starting a new research project or when you notice performance issues.

By taking this simple step, you can ensure you get seamless access to online journals and ebooks our library offers.

Instructions for clearing the cache can be found within the relevant browser’s help pages – see links below:

  • Google Chrome – instructions for clearing cache can be found on the Google web pages.
  • Microsoft Edge – instructions for clearing cache can be found on the Microsoft web pages.
  • Mozilla Firefox – instructions for clearing cache can be found on the Mozilla web pages.
  • Apple Safari on a Mac – instructions for clearing cache can be found on the Apple web pages.
  • Apple Safari on an iPhone or iPad – instructions for clearing cache can be found on the Apple web pages.

By Patrycja Respondek

Read more about our E-Resources on the blog with our article  Eresources and Accessibility