Exam Support Summer 2024
Whether it be resits or Trisemester 3 exams, our summer exams 2024 are here. With this, we want to cover the exam support from the library. And a little reminder, we have an abundance of exam and study support articles on the blog.
Exam Support
Our online tools for study skills include our training and event calendar which will direct you to sessions from Academic Skills advisors and subject librarians. If you can’t find what you need, you can also book 1.1 appointments. by emailing your subject librarian.
Our subject guides cover all courses. These are designed by the subject librarians. Here you can find useful and more relevant resources for your course like databases. There are also guides to Google Scholar and referencing and much more. And we have a wide range of books in stock and online to help with exam management on LibrarySearch.
Exam Skills
In a previous post, we covered some exam skills.
Set aside time for studying. Create a revision timetable where you can have specific blocks of time to focus on particular topics. Set goals for what you want to achieve during each study session. Prioritising your studies will ensure that you get the most out of each session.
Do not make your study sessions too long. It is better to study for short periods. For example, three one-hour sessions with breaks in between will be more productive than one long three-hour study session.
Use flashcards to remember key information, phrases or concepts on a subject and use these to test your knowledge. This helps you to not only retain the information but to be able to retrieve it quickly.
Regular revision will help you build and retain knowledge. It will also help to keep you focused and avoid panicking.
Exam Stress
We have a previous blog post by Raquel Bryne on beating exam stress. Detailing a good plan below from the article:
1. Timetable and prepare a study plan.
2. Create a study space that is comfortable, quiet, well-lit, organized, and has no distractions nearby.
3. Put your information into a format that allows you to absorb it best.
4. Take regular study breaks. Alternating subjects you’re studying will also help.
5. Remember self-care!
6. Schedule fun activities to reduce your stress.
7. Eat nutritious foods and exercise regularly to keep your brain power and energy up!
8. Make sure you have all the items you need for any exams. Get them ready the day before to avoid rushing on the day.
9. Remove anything distracting to help you focus. Try putting your phone in a different room when revising.
10. Write down revision targets for the day, review your progress, and update your revision timetable and targets appropriately.
There is the well-being collection found on the libguides.
Good luck everyone.