Unleashing the Power of Left-Handedness: Exploring the Advantages of Being Left-Handed Left-handedness, a natural phenomenon that has intrigued scientists and societies for centuries, refers to the preference of using the left hand over the right hand for various activities. Approximately 10% of the global population is left-handed, making it a relatively rare trait. While left-handedness […]
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Global Beatles Day June 25th Good morning, Good morning, Twist and shout! it’s the 25th of June. So grab your magical mystery tour ticket to ride, because it’s Global Beatles Day. Furthermore, there’s not a blue meanie insight. So whether you’re a beautiful dreamer or day tripper. Take a swift step back in musical time […]
Magna Carta You’ve heard of the Magna Carta, right? You know – the obscure, 63-clause document written 800 years ago and probably the most enduring legislation in history? But have you any idea what it says or why it still matters? The Magna Carta (“great charter” in Latin) has been held up throughout the centuries […]
Arthur Conan Doyle All the clues are there in the first few pages: the narcotics, the torpor, the scratching on the violin, the trusty but plodding assistant. It’s not long before we’re given a treatise on “the science of deduction and analysis” and the use of the word “elementary”. This is our first introduction to […]
Aye Write! It’s not often we give a shout-out to our west coast cousins, but this month we want to sing Glasgow’s praises high. Congratulations to the 2023 Aye Write festival for arranging a cracking programme of events. https://www.glasgowlife.org.uk/arts-music-and-cultural-venues/aye-write-glasgows-book-festival What is Aye Write! Founded in 2005, this literary festival has gone from strength to strength, […]
National Limerick Day National Limerick Day celebrates Limericks. A limerick is a short, often humorous, and sometimes rude poem consisting of five lines. The first, second and fifth lines should rhyme with each other, and the third and fourth lines should rhyme with each other. The first line usually introduces a person and place, and […]
International Haiku Poetry Day Some say it captures the ephemeral beauty of nature. Some believe it to be the essence of a keenly-perceived moment. Others describe it as the blank shape between thoughts. But there is no official definition of the Japanese poetry form of haiku. I prefer poet Robert Spiess’s description of a “breath-length […]
World Poetry Day 21st March 2023 World Poetry Day celebrates a style of literature as old as language itself, spanning all cultures and continents. With stylistic forms and sub genre’s developing and evolving from generation to generation. Poetry has been used to highlight and express issues of the time, evoke an emotional response and inspire […]
Library’s Easter Egg Hunt Each library campus is hosting an Easter Egg Hunt, test your study skills and win a chocolate egg. Hurry while stocks last! Study Skills with a Twist It’s Study Skills time here at our campus libraries and we will be promoting it for the next two weeks. Assignments and eventually exams […]
Charles Darwin Day What an adventure! Virgin jungles, unclimbed mountains, teeming oceans, tropical rainforests, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes – Charles Darwin saw it all on his five-year voyage around South America. And all the time the young gentleman naturalist was exploring the pristine wildernesses and the unexplored islands, he was taking assiduous notes, writing up his […]