Edinburgh Napier University

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National Essay Day: Essay Writing Guide and Advice

National Essay Day: Essay Writing Guide and Advice That time of the semester is creeping up once again. For many individuals within our student community, deadlines are looming. A flurry of assignments and exams will be upcoming. It will usually be the case for many of them that you will be asked to write an […]

Books that Shaped you

Books that Shaped you The National Library of Scotland’s 100th birthday To celebrate its 100th anniversary, the National Library also asked people to share the books and publications they love called Books That Shaped You. They will be exhibiting many of these next recommendations in the summer; celebrating books and the value of libraries around […]

Study Support and Resources

Study Support and Resources Classes have started, and trimester 2 is already on its way. While assignments may seem a bit far away. The university has many support and resources to help you through the trimester. Before those assignments appear closer, we thought we would list the support and resources available to help you get […]

Remembrance: War Poets

Remembrance: War Poets We approach this year’s Remembrance Day on Monday the 11th. Marking 106 years since Armistice Day 1918 and the ending of the First World War. We’d like to just take a quick moment to remind you all about the university’s War Poets Collection. Give a brief history of our Craiglockhart campus. Long […]

LibGuides and Referencing

LibGuides and Referencing What are LibGuides? Simply LibGuides are beloved by librarians. All 22 of them. A crucial tool in helping you through your studies. They are designed to β€œhelp you find out more about the resources and support available from the library”. They can be divided into two features: Subject Guides Research Guides   […]

Edinburgh International Book Festival 2024

Edinburgh International Book Festival The Edinburgh International Book Festival is coming. As the yearly Edinburgh Fringe Festival starts the emerge throughout the city centre of Edinburgh, the Edinburgh International Book Festival follows not long after. We as library staff, of course, were not going to pass on an opportunity to promote any events involving books, […]

Postgraduates: How the Library can help you

Postgraduates: How the Library can help you For many of our postgraduate students, the holiday season is not quite in full swing yet. Final projects, dissertations and exams continue to loom over the summer period. Not to worry, however. While these huge deadlines and final projects will feel very daunting, the library offers an extensive […]

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week When was the last time you went for a walk, run or swim? Danced to your favourite song? Flew a kite? Strolled through the park and stopped to smell the flowers? We suggest that now is a good time: the sun is shining*, the city’s gardens are in full bloom, and […]

Library Support: Assessments, Exams and Dissertations

Library Support: Assessments, Exams and Dissertations Exams are upon us, final assessments are upon us and dissertations are upon us. It’s that time of the year again. But the final stretch to the summer break. Don’t fret, the library is here to support and here to help. How can the library support? Over on our […]

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