Edinburgh Napier University

Search: “library information” (Page 1 of 12)

We found 118 results for your search.

Information and the Library

Information and the Library Coming into a library can be daunting for some. Whether it be for the first time or the eleventh time. Having a sense of not knowing […]

Postgraduates: How the Library can help you

Postgraduates: How the Library can help you For many of our postgraduate students, the holiday season is not quite in full swing yet. Final projects, dissertations and exams continue to […]

Time to bring back library items

Time to bring back library items Reached the end of your course, well it’s time to bring back library items. You’ve reached the end of your course, you’ve passed all […]

Library: Eresources and Accessibility

Library: Eresources and Accessibility Library: Eresources and Accessibility. We have a wide range of online resources at the library, ranging from ebooks, journals, databases, and subject guides. In fact, we […]

Library Support: Assessments, Exams and Dissertations

Library Support: Assessments, Exams and Dissertations Exams are upon us, final assessments are upon us and dissertations are upon us. It’s that time of the year again. But the final […]

British Library Cyber Attack

 British Library Cyber Attack If you’ve ever used our inter-library loan service, the chances are your book or article was supplied by the British Library (BL). On the last weekend […]

Library Training

Library Training The library offers a wide range of training events to help you with your studies. Trimester 2 is rolling in and not to add panic but soon assignments […]

The 12 Days of Festive Library Resources: Part One

The 12 Days of Festive Library Resources Part one To celebrate the end of the year and the beginning of the Festive holiday break we thought we’d share some of […]

Library and Study Skills

Library and Study Skills Hello. Trimester 1 is on its way and things are settling. Assignments might already be creeping up. We know, too soon. But, today, we are looking […]

Library FAQ part one: Library Spaces and books

Library Spaces and books Hello Welcome and Welcome back. It’s good to see everyone back on campus. And we thought it would be a good idea to go over some […]

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