Edinburgh Napier University

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Australia Day Australia Day takes place on 26th January and is the countryโ€™s national day which celebrates national unity and acknowledges its citizens and their contribution to the country. It […]

Beginners Guide to Hosting Your Own Burns Night

Beginners Guide to Hosting Your Own Burns Night Hosting a Burns Night Supper is a wonderful way to celebrate the life and poetry of Robert Burns, the famous Scottish poet. […]

Welcome Edinburgh Napier International College

Welcome Edinburgh Napier International College Welcome and welcome back everybody. Happy to have campuses back being busy. We would like to give a very warm welcome to students from the […]

January and Wellbeing

January and Wellbeing Itโ€™s that time of year when the festive celebrations are over, and the promise of spring still seems quite far away. January is often the time when […]

How to achieve your New Year’s Resolution

How to achieve your New Year’s Resolution Why is it so hard? and what science can do to help. It’s that time of year again when many of us make […]

The 12 Days of Festive Library Resources: Part One

The 12 Days of Festive Library Resources Part one To celebrate the end of the year and the beginning of the Festive holiday break we thought we’d share some of […]

International Games Month is back

International Games Month is back! Itโ€™s that time of year again when, between Halloween and the anticipation of Christmas, libraries all over the world celebrate International Games Month! This initiative, […]

National Tree Week

National Tree Week This year National Tree Week . It runs from 25th November until 3rd December and marks the start of the tree planting season. Itโ€™s a chance for […]

Preserving the Past: My Journey Volunteering with the University Heritage Collections

Preserving the Past: My Journey Volunteering with the University Heritage Collections Forewords Delve into the captivating world of heritage preservation through the eyes of one talented high school volunteer. Join […]

Dyslexia Awareness Week

Dyslexia Awareness Week   1-7 November 2023   This week marks Dyslexia Awareness Week in Scotland, raising awareness and understanding. Dyslexia and how people experience or deal with it are […]

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