Edinburgh Napier University

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We found 64 results for your search.

National Tree Week

National Tree Week This year National Tree Week . It runs from 25th November until 3rd December and marks the start of the tree planting season. Itโ€™s a chance for […]

Dyslexia Awareness Week

Dyslexia Awareness Week   1-7 November 2023   This week marks Dyslexia Awareness Week in Scotland, raising awareness and understanding. Dyslexia and how people experience or deal with it are […]

A History of Halloween

A History of Halloween Origins of Halloween The origins of Halloween can be traced back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. Celebrated from around 2,000 years ago. Samhain is […]

Apple Day: A Brief History of The Apple

Apple Day: A Brief History of The Apple Okay, it was bad news for Snow White, but for most people, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. It must […]

Libraries Week 2023

Libraries Week 2023 Libraries Week is an annual celebration held to promote the best that libraries have to offer. This year, Libraries Week becomes Green Libraries Week! From the 2nd […]

Saving the Red Squirrel

Saving the Red Squirrel Across the planet conservationists battle to save species from extinction due to habitat loss and invasive species. Itโ€™s no different here in Scotland with a successful […]

Unveiling History: Opening Merchiston Tower for Doors Open Days 2023

Unveiling History: Opening Merchiston Tower for Doors Open Days 2023 Doors Open Days, the annual celebration of Scotland’s rich architectural heritage, is back in 2023 with a remarkable addition to […]

Welcome to the library

Welcome to the library We would like to welcome all our new students to the library and, of course, the library blog. This is a place to keep you informed […]

Love Parks Week

Love Parks Week In Edinburgh our urban parks offer green space to residents who donโ€™t have access to a garden. They offer opportunities to get out and about in the […]

July is Plastic Free Month

July is Plastic Free Month Plastics whatโ€™s the big deal? 50% of plastics in the world are made up of lightweight single-use products and packaging materials. The disposal process of […]

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