The Library Blog

Edinburgh Napier University

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Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month as well as being International Women’s Day on the 8th! It’s a time to celebrate the social, cultural, political and economic achievements of women that happen every day. It also serves as a call to action for accelerating gender parity and raise awareness for equality.

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All about Inter Library Loans

Are you starting your research and you find that one great article, but the full text is not on LibrarySearch?

What to do next?

First, check whether we really don’t have what you want in Edinburgh Napier University libraries. See details at Find a specific journal or article, Find a book.

If you are looking for an article, use Journal Search to quickly check for the journal title (click Journal Search at the top of LibrarySearch) or check within subject-specific databases. Not all articles will show up on a quick search of LibrarySearch. See the LibGuide for your subject to find out more about the best way to search for your particular subject area.

Items to support regular coursework should be held by the library – check your reading list on Moodle. If you are having trouble accessing books on your reading list or all the items are on loan, please contact your School’s Subject Librarian.

But if we don’t have what you want… Then request an inter library loan!

We can borrow items from the British Library and other UK libraries. The library pays the costs to make this free for you.

How to request

-Sign in to LibrarySearch.

-Click the Inter Library Loan tab and complete the form, filling in as many fields as possible.

-Click “Request”.

What happens next

We are all working hard behind the scenes but given the current restrictions we can only request electronic items and they are taking longer to arrive than usual.

Usually, you’ll receive an email from the British Library containing a secure web link to your requested article.

Find out more at Inter Library Loans.

LGBTQIA+ History Month 🏳️‍🌈

February is LGBTQIA+ History Month! It’s super important to promote equality and diversity as well as highlight and celebrate the incredible work done by LGBTQIA+ writers and storytellers.

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What Library Staff Have Been Reading 📖

Have you been at a loss for what book to crack open next and searching for recommendations? Look no further! Edinburgh Napier Library staff have been turning those pages during lockdown and have shared some of their stellar finds.

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Joining a Book Club 📚

Are you wanting to chat to some like-minded individuals (virtually of course) about books? Of course you are, why wouldn’t you!? We’ve rounded up some great book clubs, based right here in Edinburgh as well as worldwide.

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Burns Night

Picture the donning of tartan, tables full of haggis and whisky and loads of traditional Scottish fanfare and poetry readings.

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🔎 Exploring BoB at Christmas

If you’re not already familiar with BoB (Box of Broadcasts), it’s time to get your fingers tapping on that keyboard to discover just what this treasure trove has to offer you for your viewing pleasure this Christmas!

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Libraries Around the World 🌏

With the prospect of travel at a standstill, it doesn’t mean you can’t quench your wanderlust with a peek at some incredible photographs and virtual tours of libraries from all corners of the globe. So get comfy, and click read more to explore the wonders of some beautiful architecture and the books that line their walls.

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Dissertation Preparation

Are you preparing for your dissertation? We’re here to help!

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Black History Month

October is Black History Month in the UK. Let’s celebrate black stories this month and every month! Visit our reading list to find a range of fiction and non-fiction resources as well as videos selected from our online database BoB.


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