Edinburgh Napier University

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We found 22 results for your search.

Leap Year: Origins and Interesting Traditions

Leap Year: Origins and Interesting Traditions Today is the 29th of February, so read about Leap Year: Origins and Interesting Traditions Introduction: Why do we have a Leap Year? Happy […]

A History of Valentine’s Day

A History of Valentine’s Day โ€Love, Legends, and Lupercalia: A Fascinating Journey through the History of Valentine’s Day โ€ Valentine’s Day, a day filled with love, romance, and heartfelt gestures. […]

Beginners Guide to Hosting Your Own Burns Night

Beginners Guide to Hosting Your Own Burns Night Hosting a Burns Night Supper is a wonderful way to celebrate the life and poetry of Robert Burns, the famous Scottish poet. […]

Scottish New Year Traditions

Scottish New Year Traditions An old Scottish New Year tradition was First Footing โ€“ all you had to do was grab a lump of coal and a bottle of whisky […]

Movember: Supporting Men’s Health

Movember: Supporting Men’s Health Calling all our Mo Bros! Itโ€™s that time of year again. We want you to embrace your facial hair and grow a moustache for a month. […]

Special Collections: Sassoon poem returns

Special Collections: Sassoon poem returns An original Siegfried Sassoon poem returns to our special collections. Last month, an original poem written by Siegfried Sassoon was donated to the War Poets […]

Celebrating Black History Month while reconsidering the Curriculum

Celebrating Black History Month while reconsidering the Curriculum October marks Black History Month (BHM) in the UK. Here at Edinburgh Napier Library, we donโ€™t want to miss this opportunity to […]

Colour Blindness Day

Colour Blindness Day Colour Blindness Awareness Day was launched in 2015 and is held on September 6th โ€“ the birthday of John Dalton. He is credited with being the first […]

Barbie: From Iconic Fashionista to Cultural Phenomenon

Barbie: From Iconic Fashionista to Cultural Phenomenon Exploring the Fascinating History of the Doll No one can be unaware of the new Barbie movie that was recently released and the […]

Magna Carta

Magna Carta Youโ€™ve heard of the Magna Carta, right? You know โ€“ the obscure, 63-clause document written 800 years ago and probably the most enduring legislation in history? But have […]

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