Edinburgh Napier University

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We found 116 results for your search.

Meet your Health and Social Care Librarian: Maria King

Introducing the Subject Librarian for the School of Health and Social Care, Maria King I joined Edinburgh Napier in May and have worked in similar roles previously supporting health students […]

Libraries Week 4-10 October 2021

Taking Action Changing Lives : Libraries Week 4-10 October 2021 It’s Libraries week again and this year we are celebrating the best that libraries have to offer. We are looking […]

Dyslexia Awareness Week

Dyslexia Awareness Week It is Dyslexia awareness week in the UK, and we are here to guide and increase visibility to people all over the world!  The theme this year is Breaking Through Barriers. Dyslexia Awareness Week […]

Edinburgh in the autumn

The Autumn Equinox has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, and although this means damper and colder days in Edinburgh, the trees will exhibit amber glows, burnt oranges, and golden browns- […]

Introducing a new database: IBISWorld

IBISWorld Are you a student or member of staff looking for UK Industry Market Research data? Well the good news is that the Library now subscribes to the research industry […]

LibGuides: What are they and why should you use them.

LibGuides Libguides are a fantastic resource for finding information bespoke to your subject area. Our Librarians have spent time creating custom made guides that help you get the most relevant […]

Lions’ Gate Garden: Digital Growth

The Lions’ Gate Garden is a permaculture habitat adjacent to the library at Merchiston campus. The gardens, allotment, pond, and outdoor laboratory provide a space to relax and unwind. Three […]

Sustainability in Academic Libraries

How can universities become a spur for sustainable development in the next generation?  One way would be by engaging more with their local communities. Here at Edinburgh Napier, we encourage […]

The Ospreys have returned!

Scotland offers some fantastic opportunities to get out and about and do some wildlife watching. When it’s  not possible to do so, there are some great ways to watch a […]

🏳‍🌈 Celebrating Pride Month at Edinburgh Napier University

The month of June is Pride Month and here at the Library we “pride” ourselves on being an inclusive and welcoming place to visit. We thought it might be interesting […]

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