Edinburgh Napier University

Category: Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity celebration week 2025

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2025

This week marks Neurodiversity Celebration Week, a week dedicated to celebrating those with neurological differences and challenging the negative stigmas associated with these differences. It’s a week all about celebrating what makes us different from each other and trying to better understand the unique view we all have of the world.


You might have heard the terms Neurodiversity or Neurodivergent before, these are umbrella terms used for a variety of neurological differences that impact how different people process information and communicate with the wider world. Just some examples of neurological differences are:

  • Autism
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Dyslexia
  • Tourette’s Syndrome
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dyspraxia

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Neurodiversity Celebration Week was founded in 2018 by Siena Castellon. She is an activist who has Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Dyspraxia. Siena’s hope when founding Neurodiversity Celebration Week was to challenge the negative stereotypes associated with neurological differences. And bring awareness to the strengths that can come from these differences. On the Neurodiversity Celebration Week website there are sections for different neurological differences, giving a brief overview of the differences between each one, with quotes from neurodiverse individuals and some examples of the positive effects of each difference.

Here at Edinburgh Napier we’re celebrating Neurodiversity Celebration Week by hosting an online drop-in session where students can attend to learn more about neurodiversity and hear about the different ways that the university can provide support to neurodiverse students. This session will be held on Wednesday the 19th from 2:30 PM to 4PM.

If you’re a neurodiverse student or member of staff, you can contact our Wellbeing and Inclusion Team to see how the university can support you during your studies. Information about how to contact the Wellbeing and Inclusion Team can be found on MyNapier.
Furthermore, our libraries here at Napier each have a Wellbeing Collection. A collection that offers advice and support related to neurological differences, gender, sexuality, health issues, and personal development. We also have our virtual bookshelf on the library blog.

By Matthew Ferrie

Image source Neurodiversity Celebration Week




Where does the time go? And why do holidays always feel so short? Those are the questions that are no doubt on your mind as you return from a very welcome break. Wherever you were, we hope you enjoyed some sunshine.

But it’s back to business as usual now: grey skies, rain (very wet), and lots of work to catch up on. In case you’d forgotten, those pesky exams are looming. If this is causing you some alarm, fear not – we’ve got you covered.

We’d like to invite you to a supportive space where you can bring your own resources and get some work done.

Come along to Merchiston library on Wednesdays, from 10th April. Join us in study room 7 at 2pm. We’ll spend a couple of hours working together in a friendly, peaceful, quiet space. This is for you if want to beat procrastination, get motivated, work on individual goals and increase time efficiency.

Maybe you struggle to get your head down. Or maybe you don’t have a private, quiet space in which to study. Maybe your notes are all over the place and you need to sit down and pull them all together. Maybe you just like working with others and feeding off the group’s energy.

Whatever your needs, you’re welcome to join our new Co-Working Collective.

There is no need to book, but we would ask you to arrive promptly by 2pm. Just bring yourself, your own study/work resources and a commitment to work and reflect for the next couple of hours.

We look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions or comments, please email library@napier.ac.uk

By Lesley McRobb

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Read about the library and study skills

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 18th – 24th March 2024

A week observing the strengths and talents of people with learning differences. Because everyone has a differently wired brain and a unique way of thinking, experiencing the world, learning and interacting.

What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is based that neurological differences should be recognised and respected. It is a wide range of variations of the brain that affect learning, thinking, experiencing the world and interacting. Some can include:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC)
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Tourette’s Syndrome

Resources for Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Check out all the wonderful resources at NeurodiversityWeek. See how you can get involved and learn more about it. There are also plenty of great educational TV shows available through the Box of Broadcasts.

Edinburgh Napier University and Neurodiversity

At the university, we have a wonderful Wellbeing, Support and Inclusion team who are there to support staff and students. They believe and are committed to ‘Equal access to university life is a vital part of every student experience, and our team of Disability Inclusion staff are here to make sure it happens for you’. They offer a wide range of support for classes and assessments.  You can find out more information at MyNapier in regards to how they can support you and how to contact you. And have a read on the latest blog post by the university.

Edinburgh Napier University Library and Neurodiversity Week

You can check out our ever-expanding range of books on Neurdiverse topics simply by searching the library catalogue. Alternatively, check out our Neurodiversity bookshelves here on the blog or for more in-depth recommendations
We also have our well-being collections at the library. Our wellbeing collection consists of physical books as well as online books that cover a range of topics and include guided self-help approaches to supporting mental health, personal development and achievement.

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Neurodiversity Celebration Week is on the 13th – 19th of March this year and is a wonderful chance to embrace and learn about neurodiversity.

The term Neurodiversity encompasses a wide variety of neurological differences. The brain can be wired in a multitude of ways. This leads to many variable and complex possibilities for processing and understanding information. Although the use of labels is not always important, many in the community use the term “neurodiverse” to refer to people who may identify as having Dyslexia, DCD (Dyspraxia), Dyscalculia, Autism and ADHD.

Although often the focus is on the challenges associated with being Neurodiverse, there are also many strengths. Therefore, Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a chance for us to focus on the fantastic talents and special gifts that Neurodiversity can also give individuals.

Did you know people with ADHD are often highly creative and great at thinking outside the box? Autistic individuals can be incredible at spotting patterns and details often missed. Oh and we can be funny. Check out comedian Hannah Gatsby and her incredible standup. Not to mention fantastic actors, The renowned Anthony Hopkins is Autistic. Oh and don’t forget the incredible Chris Packham who not only has a brilliant career working with animals but does amazing work helping others in the community. This week join us outside of the box and learn about how great being neurodiverse can be!

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