Edinburgh Napier University

Category: Library Information (Page 2 of 11)

Library Training

Library Training

The library offers a wide range of training events to help you with your studies.

Trimester 2 is rolling in and not to add panic but soon assignments and exams will be coming up. Here at the library, we want to help where we can. We run sessions that are in-person or online to help with your studies. Workshops and events are here to help you get started with the skills you need for success at University. There are bookable sessions on a range of different topics and regular drop-ins on different campuses.

Training Calendar

You can find them all on our training and events calendar. Sessions are available for all modules and levels and can range from a basic introduction to using LibrarySearch and academic journals for first-year students to subject-specific research sessions for postgraduate students and staff.

We have basic information sessions or more in-depth sessions looking at literature reviews, references management and copyright. These sessions run throughout the year so don’t worry, they are not a one-off.

If these times don’t work or you prefer a one-on-one session, you can contact your subject librarians or contact us via email, phone or ask at the help desk.

Subject Guide Training

We also have our subject guides that are created and designed by your subject librarian.  Here you will also find out more about the resources and support available from the Library.  ​You will also find libguides which are also created by subject librarians. There, you will find more information about courses and databases.

And you also read our previous posts about helpful library information.

Leap Year: Origins and Interesting Traditions

Leap Year: Origins and Interesting Traditions

Today is the 29th of February, so read about Leap Year: Origins and Interesting Traditions

Introduction: Why do we have a Leap Year?

Happy new (leap) year from the blog team everybody! Ever wondered why February has that one extra day added to the calendar every four years? It is all primarily to do with the sun, and how the Earth’s orbit around it is not completely aligned with its rotation on the sun’s axis. Because of this, it takes our planet 365 ¼ days to rotate around the sun.

Even though this is only a tiny discrepancy, it would eventually knock our calendar year off course. So an extra day was added to make up 366 days every four years to establish a strong synchronisation with the solar year and calendar year. Nevertheless, we also skip a leap year every century unless the year is divisible by 400 to maintain this synchronisation. You know just to make things seem even more confusing! So, for example, we have skipped a leap year in the years 1700 and 1900, but not in the years 1600 or 2000. This means that the year 2100 will be a common year in future terms.

History and Origins of Leap Year

For centuries, different cultures have strategized and tested various ways of keeping the calendar year aligned with the seasons. There were a few cultures who did not only add an extra day when the necessity arose. They would sometimes add an extra week or even an extra month! Then, in 46 B.C., Roman Emperor Julius Ceasar proposed adding an extra day to February every four years. This was the advice given by astronomer Sosigenes. From this emerged the Egyptian solar calendar which divided the 365 ¼ period into twelve months each containing 30 or 31 days in total, albeit February. This has been nicknamed the ‘Julian Calendar’ because of its founding father.

Nevertheless, a tiny discrepancy remained which led to the first introduction of the Gregorian Calendar in 1582. Several European countries such as Italy, France, Spain and Portugal were first to adopt the Gregorian Calendar in 1582. This reformed calendar saw the leap year being skipped when any ‘century’ years not divisible by 400 arose. By the time the Gregorian Calendar was introduced in England, this error had increased to a total of eleven days. A decision was made in the year 1752 for the 2nd of September to be followed by the 14th of September, skipping the days in between. These are often referred to as the ‘lost days’ – and their loss was felt majorly.  There were outbreaks of rioting and civil unrest, people demanding these eleven days to be brought back. These riots were known as The English Calendar riots of 1752.

Romantic Traditions of Leap Year

Love is in the air – across the world, leap year is known to have a few unique romantic traditions. The most notable one is that women will often propose to men on the 29th of February. This tradition emerged after Queen Margaret of Scotland brought in a new law that permitted women to propose to men on leap day in  1288. Women will also traditionally don a red petticoat on this day to make their intentions clear. If their man rejected the proposal, he was obligated by law to provide either enough fabric to make a dress or twelve pairs of gloves. It has since spread vastly across Europe and beyond.

Superstitions and Statistics…

The chances of being born on the 29th of February are extremely slim – one in 1,461, to be precise. This is effective because a leap day only occurs every 1,461 days. In Scotland, it is even believed to be unlucky to be born on a leap day.  The negative superstitions about leap years do not stop here as well. During the Roman era in Italy, the month of February was associated with death. And its extension was viewed to be prolonging this alleged period of doom and gloom. In Greece, it is widely believed that weddings which take place during a leap year will soon be followed by divorce.  It’s not all about those romantic traditions.


Despite the superstitions surrounding leap year, many still like to toast the occasion and celebrate it. In fact, there was a famous alcoholic beverage made to traditionally celebrate Leap Day at the Savoy Hotel located in London.  Invented by famous bartender Harry Craddock. Its ingredients consist of Grand Marnier, gin, lemon juice and vermouth.  The recipe for this cocktail can be found in Craddock’s famous The Savoy Cocktail Book, should you wish to mix your own this year.

Anthony, a small town in Texas, is recognised as the Leap Year Capital worldwide as it is a global hub for celebrations and festivals. This all began in 1988 when neighbours Birdie Lewis and Mary Ann Brown, who were both born on leap day, proposed the creation of a leap year festival. Since it’s approval, it has been celebrated every four years and evolved into a four-day-long event with people travelling from all over the world. It consists of parades, food, music, and even hot air balloon lifts. If you were born on a leap day, that sounds like the ideal location to celebrate!

To Conclude…

And this does indeed mean that our campus libraries will be open for one extra day this year.  We have just the book for you:  ‘The Observer’s Year: 366 Nights of the Universe Moore’ should you want to learn more about leap year. But otherwise, we hope you have found this blog post to be interesting and informative!

By Rachel Downie

Photo sources Glen Carrie

LIke superstitions, you can read previous articles here 

Changes at Craiglockhart Library

Changes at Craiglockhart Library

We wanted to let you know about some changes which have been made to the study spaces at Craiglockhart Library. Following the removal of the rolling stacks, a bright and spacious area was created and it was decided to move the collaborative desks there. Some social seating has been installed in the space created once the desks were moved, and this is already proving popular. The relaxation space will be made slightly larger too. We hope you like the changes!

Craiglockhart libraryCraiglockhart library Craiglockhart library



Remember we always love feedback, you can email anytime at library@napier.ac.uk

Check out our library webpages for the latest updates 


And you read previous posts about the changes to our library

By Vivienne Hamilton

World Radio Day

World Radio Day

13th February marks World Radio Day  🎶 play Radio Gaga by Queen 🎶

What is World Radio Day?

Declared by UNESCO in 2011 and then proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 2012, February 13th became World Radio Day. The objective of the day is simple, to celebrate the radio, as a public service, as a network and communication. February 13th was chosen to celebrate the anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations Radio in 1946 (Wikipedia.org/World Radio Day). And as UNESCO states on their website ‘In an era marked by the dizzying speed of technological innovation, the radio beginning in its second century as dependable and widely utilize’ (UNESCO.org)

The History of the Radio

Canadian Reginald Fessenden is the pioneer of the radio and in December 1906, his voice was broadcasted.  The radio was crucial to the First World War and heavily relied upon. It wasn’t until the 1920s that radio resembled what it is today, filled with speakers and music. The 1950s saw a boom in radio broadcasting programmes (dramas to comedy), music and adverts.  it is considered the Golden Age.  One of the most famous programmes was the War of Worlds.  However, soon Radio would be competing with the world of television (Britannica/radio)

The radio was a huge revolution in the world of communication. News became instantly accessible. It changed consumer world with advertising. It transformed the world of music, making it the venture it is today. (university of Minnesota) 

The Radio and the Library

Interested in radio, you can browse our expansive library catalgoue till your hearts content.  This includes databases such as the wonderful world of Box of Broadcasts.   You can also browse the school of Creative Arts and Industries subject guides. Here you can find more of the impact of radio.


Interested in more United Nations Day, have a browse here


Photo Source Anmol Arora Unsplash 


Love Your Library

Love Your Library

Love Your Library 2024

It’s back! It’s that time of year again. The old cliché of chocolates, flowers, and books. We joke but it is Love Your Library Week. Hearts rejoice. This week we will be running our annual feedback drive. Every year around Valentine, we ask what do you love about the library? But also, what do you hate? And you can be honest. This is your library.

Love Your Library in the Libraries

Our libraries will be pretty in pink with their displays. There will be post-it notes, heart-shaped of course. And you can tell us what you love and what you hate.  There will be a display at each library campus. If that isn’t enough, we will also be handing out sweets. We will be running this all week so you have plenty of time to let us know. We love getting feedback, it helps us understand what we are doing right and what we need to improve. And we listen to all feedback. It can be anonymous.

 All Year Round

We should add that we appreciate feedback all year round. Each library has a comment box, and you can always contact us or give us a shout on social media. Let us know what you think about our library services.

Read previous posts on our library services and our previous feedback drives here.

Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Science Resources

Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Science Resources

Happy Friday everyone. We have promoted our Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Science Resources this week. You might have seen our book display at Sighthill Library Campus. Or our digital signage slides promoting different resources the past few days. Or even our social media posts. If not, don’t worry we have you covered with this article.  We will summarise this week and highlight all the Sports and Physiotherapy resources. If you have an interest in the sports sciences or are a student of either Applied Sciences or Health & Social Care, then we have you covered.

On Monday, we gave a shout-out to our physical book display and reading lists.

Research Databases

On Tuesday, we gave a shout-out to our research databases. Research Databases are a collection of online scholarly works that can be articles, case studies and periodicals. We have a database tab on LibrarySearch. There are 3 that we would like to highlight; Medline, PubMed and Sportdiscus:

  • Medline: covers a wide range of medical journal articles and references with a focus on biomedicine.
  • PudMed: developed by the National Library of Medicine in the USA. Thousands of articles and citations that range from biomed to life science.
  • SportDiscus: Provided by the Sport Information Resource Centre. It covers sport and fitness and related disciplines.


Half way the week, it was about the journals. We have 4 journals to promote. We want to add that not all journals can be found in databases but you can either search them individually on librarysearch or on the journal tab. Like the research databases, they covered a wide range from fitness to medicine.

  • International Journal of Sport Medicine
  • Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
  • British Journal of Sport Medicine
  • Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise

Non-Research Databases:

Not only do we have research databases but we have non-research databases. And it was our non-research databases that took the spotlight.

  • Anatomy.Tv (Also known as Anatomy and Physiology Online): Here you will find over 20 interactive Modules, 3D anatomy and media-rich content.  Case studies and quizzes are available.
  • Sage Research Methods: Research essential. Provides information on writing research questions, how to do a literature review, research methods, collecting and analysing data and much more. It covers all research methods used in the social sciences.

Once again, you can find these all on LibrarySearch.

We hope you found this post insightful. Don’t forget to check out the libguides and previous posts on databases

Lego Day

Celebrating Lego Day

It’s world Lego day today. Lego is one of those toys that is ubiquitous with childhood. Anyone growing up in the West will know immediately what you mean when you mention it. It is the joy of Children everywhere, and the thing that drives most parents mad. Is there anything more painful to stand on!?!

In fact, people who have regularly experienced walking on hot coals and broken glass say Lego is by far the worst thing to walk on (source). Feeling brave? You always have a go at the Lego Firewalk. Personally, I’d rather walk on glass or coals!


It was in Denmark, at Ole Kirk Christiansen’s workshop where Lego was firstborn. In 1934 it became called Lego after the Danish phrase leg godt.  They were originally called Automatic Binding Bricks, but less originally they were based on the Kiddicraft Self-Locking Bricks, already patented in the UK.

Over time Lego has grown to become the biggest toy company in the world and is not only used as toys but as movies, artworks and they even made an amusement park you can visit.

Mindfulness and Lego

Lego is no longer just for children; in fact, they have many Lego sets dedicated to adults. There is some fascinating research connected to mindfulness about how doing Lego can help our mental health. We actually keep a Lego set behind each Library Help Desk you can borrow for free. Why not check one out next time you visit…if the library staff aren’t already playing with them that is!

Learn More

We have a fascinating and diverse range of materials for you to read on Lego, from issues with Dentistry (teeth and Lego are a bad mix it seems!) to build your own Lego Robots. Check out Librarysearch.napier.ac.uk.. Just type in the word “Lego” and start reading!

By Juliet Kinsey

Sources: Wikipedia

Welcome Edinburgh Napier International College

Welcome Edinburgh Napier International College

Welcome and welcome back everybody. Happy to have campuses back being busy.

We would like to give a very warm welcome to students from the International College at Edinburgh Napier. As things are getting started and getting settled, we would like to cover our library services on offer and what the library can do for you. We do recommend this induction that covers all computing and library services.

Finding information: reading lists, subject guides and subject librarians

You will have a reading list for each of your courses. It is through LibrarySearch that you will find these items. Please remember to log in at the top right corner as a university member.  We also have subject guides and research guides that have been created by your subject librarian. These guides are designed to help you find information and develop research skills. You can find them here. Additionally, you can contact your subject librarian for more information or arrange a 1: 1 appointment for extra guidance. On who your subject librarian is, please refer to our web pages.

Library Resources: Books, Databases and more

We have an extensive catalogue, and it is all available through library search. Here you will have access to all our online resources and be able to locate where our physical resources are. You will also find access to journals and databases. You can borrow up to 30 physical items. Books are 7-day loans but they renew automatically up to a 4 month period unless requested. If you are looking for something we don’t have, we have an inter-library loan service.

Libraries: Physical and Online

At the library, you will find plenty of study spaces: we have silent areas and areas for talking if you have group work. There are study rooms, PCs and macs, with printers and scanners. Each library has a relaxation space with games, colouring sheets and comfy sofas to relax. We have a wellbeing collection that focuses on shelf help. If you can’t make it campus, most of these resources are now available online.

Useful Information

And more information you can find on our library web pages or you can contact us either in person at the help desks or email (library@napier.ac.uk) or phone 0131 455 3500. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we are here to help. Good luck in the trimester.

You can also find more library information from previous articles 

Can music improve your wellbeing and health?

Can music improve your wellbeing and health?

Numerous studies suggest that music can have positive effects on both mental and physical well-being. From running to Dementia.

Here are some ways in which music may contribute to improved health:

  1. Mood Enhancement: Music has the ability to evoke emotions and enhance mood. Listening to uplifting or calming music can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also elevate mood and promote a sense of well-being.
  2. Stress Reduction: Music has been shown to have a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system, leading to lower levels of stress hormones. Slow-tempo music with a relaxing melody can induce a relaxation response in the body.
  3. Pain Management: Music therapy is used in various healthcare settings to help manage pain. It can distract individuals from pain, reduce the perception of pain, and contribute to a more positive experience during medical procedures.
  4. Cognitive Benefits: Listening to music can stimulate cognitive functions, including memory and attention. It is often used as part of therapy for individuals with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.
  5. Improved Sleep: Calming music before bedtime has been shown to improve sleep quality. It can help people relax and create a conducive environment for restful sleep.
  6. Enhanced Exercise Performance: Upbeat and rhythmic music can enhance exercise performance by providing motivation and increasing energy levels. It can also distract individuals from feelings of fatigue during physical activity.
  7. Social Connection: Music is a universal language that can bring people together. Group music-making activities, such as singing or playing instruments, promote social interaction and a sense of community, contributing to overall well-being.
  8. Emotional Expression: Music provides a means of emotional expression and can serve as a cathartic outlet. Creating or listening to music allows individuals to express and process their emotions.


The neuroscientist Indres Viskontas has done a lot of fantastic research on the subject and you can access many of their articles through Librarysearch.napier.ac.uk, such as:

Music on the Mind: an introduction to this special issue of Neurocase
Viskontas, Indre V. ; Margulis, Elizabeth Hellmuth

Music Therapy has long been recognised as a helpful treatment. We have many books and articles for you to read on the subject. Check out:

Music therapy
Rachel Darnley-Smith and Helen M. Patey.

The British Journal of Music Therapy  available online

It’s important to note that the effects of music on well-being can vary from person to person, and individual preferences play a significant role. What works for one person may not work for another. Additionally, music is often used as a complementary therapy and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatment when needed.

Furthermore, why not check out our Spotify for some musical Inspiration?

So to answer the question can music improve your wellbeing and health? Yes it can!

Right, I’m off to dance around the Library and lift my January spirits!

By Juliet Kinsey

Read more January inspiration on the blog with our article on keeping New Year’s Resolutions

Festive image saying Merry Christmas and and a wonderful Festive Season from the edinburgh napier Library Blog

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