Edinburgh Napier University

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We found 55 results for your search.

Research Methods

Research Methods Introduction to Research Methods… It is now that time of year when exams and deadlines are approaching fast. Whether these deadlines consist of coursework, essays, projects or presentations. […]

Researcher Skills Forum 2024

Researcher Skills Forum 2024. It’s that time of year again: Edinburgh Napier University’s Researcher Skills Forum – 2024. Tomorrow is day one of our annual researcher development event which is […]

Uncovering Hidden Histories: Provenance research internships in the Edward Clark Collection

Uncovering Hidden Histories: Provenance research internships in the Edward Clark Collection    During July, the University’s Heritage Collections department hosted two student interns whose intrepid research skills greatly helped us […]

Uncovering Hidden Histories: Provenance research internships in the Edward Clark Collection

Uncovering Hidden Histories: Provenance research internships in the Edward Clark Collection During July, the University’s Heritage Collections department hosted two student interns whose intrepid research skills greatly helped us to […]

Edinburgh Napier’s Repository – a home for the university’s research

Edinburgh Napier’s repository – a home for the university’s research A repository is a kind of digital archive for storing all the research outputs created by a university’s academics and […]

Postgraduates: How the Library can help you

Postgraduates: How the Library can help you For many of our postgraduate students, the holiday season is not quite in full swing yet. Final projects, dissertations and exams continue to […]

History of Napier

History of Napier Ever wonder how the name Napier in Edinburgh Napier University? Ever wonder about the old tower on Merchiston Campus? Or the statue placed by the tower? Well, […]

‘Lest we forget’: Armed Forces Day 29 June 2024

‘Lest we forget’: Armed Forces Day 29 June 2024 On the last Saturday of June every year, Armed Forces Day emerges as an annual day-long commemoration of the service carried […]

Things to do in Edinburgh over the Summer Period

Things to do in Edinburgh over the Summer Period Stumped for what to do over the summer? Looking for inspiration? Look no further – here, you can find a list […]

Edinburgh Napier DLTE

Ho e Edinburgh Napier DLTE Today we are exploring the wonderful DLTE here at Edinburgh Napier University. DLTE recently won the best team, Service or Department award at the ENSA […]

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