Edinburgh Napier University

Search: “mental health” (Page 1 of 4)

We found 34 results for your search.

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week When was the last time you went for a walk, run or swim? Danced to your favourite song? Flew a kite? Strolled through the park and […]

World Mental Health Day

Our mental health has been challenged pre and post-pandemic, with rises in anxiety and depression, as well as other unrecognised disorders; we can strive to play a role in increasing […]

Mental Health Awareness Week 9th-15th May 2022

      Mental Health Awareness week is an annual campaign to focus on achieving good mental health. It is part of the Mental Health Foundation that was established 21 […]

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021: Thriving with Nature

Nature is an incredible resource for maintaining our mental health. Simply being outside and experiencing green spaces has proven beneficial to us. Health Awareness Week 2021 is all about the […]

Can music improve your wellbeing and health?

Can music improve your wellbeing and health? Numerous studies suggest that music can have positive effects on both mental and physical well-being. From running to Dementia. Here are some ways […]

Movember: Supporting Men’s Health

Movember: Supporting Men’s Health Calling all our Mo Bros! It’s that time of year again. We want you to embrace your facial hair and grow a moustache for a month. […]

International Men’s Health Week 2023

International Men’s Health Week 2023   Today is the start of International Men’s Health Week, running until the 18th. The goal is to increase awareness of men’s health which can […]

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024 Neurodiversity Celebration Week 18th – 24th March 2024 A week observing the strengths and talents of people with learning differences. Because everyone has a differently wired […]

Lego Day

Celebrating Lego Day It’s world Lego day today. Lego is one of those toys that is ubiquitous with childhood. Anyone growing up in the West will know immediately what you […]

January and Wellbeing

January and Wellbeing It’s that time of year when the festive celebrations are over, and the promise of spring still seems quite far away. January is often the time when […]

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