Edinburgh Napier University

Month: March 2024

2024 is Election Year

2024 is Election Year

We’re getting in early as sometime this year a general election will be held to elect a UK government for the next 5 years. All 650 constituencies will see candidates standing to try to win the seat to be  Member of Parliament. MPs are elected using the First Past the Post system. You vote once for a candidate in your constituency and the candidate with the most votes becomes your MP.

In the weeks running up to the election we can look forward to, or dread, countless tv and radio interviews with current and past MPs, political commentators and members of the public. You may find electoral leaflets coming through your letterbox and even candidates knocking on your door to put their case to you.

If you who have turned 18 since the last general election, then this will be your first chance to vote in one. If you wish to do so, you must make sure that you are eligible. You can do this by checking gov.uk website, but the general rules are:

  • be registered to vote
  • be 18 or over on the day of the election (‘polling day’)
  • be a British, Irish or qualifying Commonwealth citizen
  • be resident at an address in the UK (or a British citizen living abroad who has been registered to vote in the UK in the last 15 years)
  • not be legally excluded from voting

Voting in an election

You can either vote in person or by post. If you are a UK student and you are already registered to vote in your hometown but would prefer to vote locally whilst, at university, you will need to register again for your new resident area. But If you want to vote in your hometown but will be at university when the election takes place, you can apply for a postal vote.

If you are eligible to vote and have registered, you’ll be sent a polling card just before the election telling you when to vote and where. You can only vote at the polling station location on your card. You do not have to take your poll card with you. If you have not received a poll card but think you should, contact your local Electoral Registration Office. You can still vote if you’ve lost your card.

When you arrive at the polling station register at the desk. Then you will be given a slip with all the candidates’ names on it and directed to a polling booth where you can make your choice by marking X against your chosen candidate. Slips are placed in the sealed ballot box which is taken to the counting centre once the polls close. It’s then that the exit polls (taken from voters after they have voted) will be broadcast and give an idea of how the election has gone.

Most constituency results will be declared during the night. A few in remote rural areas such as Shetland not declaring until the next day. Every election there is a race between constituencies to be the first to declare their results. In 2019 that honour went to Newcastle. Some organize human chains to get the ballot boxes into the counting centre as quickly as possible and have an army of staff ready to count the slips. Candidates and members of their teams are allowed to watch the count to make the process as transparent as possible.

Once the final result is known the leader of the party with a majority of seats in the House of Commons will be the Prime Minister. If no party has an absolute majority, the leader of the party with the largest number of seats is given the first opportunity to form a coalition. And then the tricky business of running the country begins.

When you can vote

Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm on the day of an election.

Key Dates

1832-Electoral register introduced. Only around 14% of adult males eligible to vote, women could not vote at all.

1867-Reform Act increased electorate to 32% of the adult male population.

1872-Secret ballots introduced.

1918-Men over 21 and women over 30 given the vote.

1928-Women over 21 allowed to vote.

1969-Voting age lowered to 18.

1989-British citizens living abroad given the right to vote for up to 20 years after leaving the UK.

Don’t forget that many people, especially women had to fight hard for the vote. So use your vote when the time comes!

By Vivienne Hamiliton

Photo Source Element5 Digital 

Read about King Charles III coronation 

Out and About in Scotland update

Out and About in Scotland update

If you enjoyed our Out and About in Scotland post last summer, you might be interested to know that Anna Wells has just become the first woman to complete a round of Munros (a mountain in Scotland with a height of over 3,000 feet (914.4 m) in one winter. Only 3 others have completed the challenge men.

Completing all 282 Munros during the summer months is a big enough challenge it takes many people years to complete. Tackling them in the winter is particularly challenging with snow, high winds, reduced daylight and access causing more problems. However Anna has managed to overcome all the difficulties, followed safety advice (see the previous post) and completed the round within the astronomical winter, which starts on the shortest day and ends with the spring equinox.

Now that the days are getting longer and the weather is improving you may be thinking about getting out and about more so why not take a look at the Out and About in Scotland post (July 2023) for some advice before you set off.

You can use Library Search to find books and articles on exercise and fitness.

Whatever you are planning to do and wherever you are going this weekend stay safe and hopefully, the weather will be kind!

Useful websites:

Long-distance walks:  https://www.scotlandsgreattrails.com/

Munro bagging:  https://www.walkhighlands.co.uk/munros/

Water safety https://watersafetyscotland.org.uk/advice-hub/water-safety-code/



HM Coastguard: https://hmcoastguard.uk/in-an-emergency

Mountain Rescue: https://www.scottishmountainrescue.org/

SSSI guidance: https://www.nature.scot/professional-advice/protected-areas-and-species/protected-areas/national-designations/sites-special-scientific-interest-sssis

You can use Box of Broadcasts to view episodes of the Adventure Show and Library Search to find books and articles on wildlife, plants, first aid and land law.

You can read more about Scotland

By Vivienne Hamilton

Photo Source: Claudia De Wet

Research Methods

Research Methods

Introduction to Research Methods…

It is now that time of year when exams and deadlines are approaching fast. Whether these deadlines consist of coursework, essays, projects or presentations. The implementation of various research methods relevant to the assignment at hand will be hugely significant in planning and putting together a well-constructed, informative, and unbiased piece of work with accurate results and strong arguments. Should they be utilised correctly, research methods have many advantages. It allows for data to be gathered efficiently and objectively and systematically. This reduces the risk of subjectivity and personal biases being present, allowing got meaningful conclusions to be drawn with data. Evidence which is both accurate and unbiased. New techniques and innovative ways of conducting research can also evolve from the practice, allowing for advancements and progression to be made in a particular field.

Defining Research Methods…

Research Methods is an umbrella term covering a range of systematic techniques. And tools used to carry out effective research in a particular field. Researchers will often use them as a regulatory guide when collating information and interpreting data as part of answering a specific research question or covering a particular topic of interest.

There are two key types of research methods frequently used by researchers. These are quantitative research methods and qualitative research methods. The difference between these two research methods is that quantitative research primarily involves the collation and analysis of numerical data and statistics. Whilst qualitative research involves the same process but with data which is non-numerical. Quantitative data can primarily consist of statistics, correlational studies, and figures as well as results from surveys and experiments. Meanwhile, qualitative data often includes answers and findings gathered from focus groups, interviews, and content analysis. As well as studies and observations conducted on the behaviours, interactions, customs, and habits, otherwise known as ethnography. Now imagine a study is being conducted on the popularity of Galaxy chocolate. Quantitative research will be used here to provide an estimate of how popular it is overall. And its popularity in comparison with competitors such as Cadbury and Hershey’s chocolate. On the other hand, qualitative research would be used to determine reasons why it is more popular or not. Depending on what kind of research questions you are trying to answer or objectives you are trying to meet, one research method could indeed be more useful than the other.

There are strengths and limitations involved with using quantitative or qualitative research. Whilst quantitative analysis can produce a solid base of objective and exact data, it does not delve into the specifics behind the figures provided or reveal the complete complexities of phenomena. In other words, it does lack a degree of depth to it which qualitative research does not. Qualitative analysis will provide a more in-depth, extensive level of detail regarding the present data to help achieve a more enriched understanding of the findings and results gathered. Nevertheless, there is the risk of subjectivity in the data as well as it not being generalisable to greater populations. Mixed method research combines both research methods and involves the use of both quantitative and qualitative analysis in one solitary study, so the benefits and advantages of using both quantitative and qualitative research can be reaped. Nevertheless, the use of mixed-method research can be very resource-intensive take up a lot of time and often requires a specialist to conduct this kind of research effectively.

SAGE Research Methods Online

SAGE Research Methods is known as the ultimate methods library which assists with research needs at all levels. It has over 1000 different books, journals and informative video clips published by leading academics and researchers from across the globe.  It has the biggest collection of digitised qualitative methods texts out of all scholarly databases. All Napier students and staff should have access to the SAGE database. Researchers will find the tool very useful for seeking information. This can organising and putting together a research project, receiving assistance with conducting literature reviews or data analysis and learning new research methods. The SAGE Research Methods Online database also has a variety of podcasts, datasets, and case studies available.

The Importance 

When it comes to conducting any kind of research project or study. The research methods implemented ultimately make or break how effective, credible, and meaningful any conclusions made will be based on the findings and data gathered as part of the research process. They ultimately help researchers collate data in a regulatory and organised manner to provide accurate and unbiased results and findings.

It can sometimes be challenging to find the most suitable research method for your study or project in the initial stages. Our libraries in all three campuses at Napier each have an extensive research collection. They  have a variety of research books available detailing different research methods for specific subjects and courses. All the recommendations linked below can be found on Library Search. Please note that some of these texts are only available online.

The SAGE handbook of qualitative research, Denzin, Norman K., editor.;Lincoln, Yvonna S., editor. 2018


Qualitative versus quantitative research, Sonyel Oflazoglu; Oflazoglu Dora, Sonyel, editor. 2017



Quantitative research for the qualitative researcher, O’Dwyer, Laura M., author.; Bernauer, James A., author. 2014



Mixing methods: qualitative and quantitative research, Brannen, Julia, editor. 1992



By Rachel Downie

You can find more research posts

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 18th – 24th March 2024

A week observing the strengths and talents of people with learning differences. Because everyone has a differently wired brain and a unique way of thinking, experiencing the world, learning and interacting.

What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is based that neurological differences should be recognised and respected. It is a wide range of variations of the brain that affect learning, thinking, experiencing the world and interacting. Some can include:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC)
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Tourette’s Syndrome

Resources for Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Check out all the wonderful resources at NeurodiversityWeek. See how you can get involved and learn more about it. There are also plenty of great educational TV shows available through the Box of Broadcasts.

Edinburgh Napier University and Neurodiversity

At the university, we have a wonderful Wellbeing, Support and Inclusion team who are there to support staff and students. They believe and are committed to ‘Equal access to university life is a vital part of every student experience, and our team of Disability Inclusion staff are here to make sure it happens for you’. They offer a wide range of support for classes and assessments.  You can find out more information at MyNapier in regards to how they can support you and how to contact you. And have a read on the latest blog post by the university.

Edinburgh Napier University Library and Neurodiversity Week

You can check out our ever-expanding range of books on Neurdiverse topics simply by searching the library catalogue. Alternatively, check out our Neurodiversity bookshelves here on the blog or for more in-depth recommendations
We also have our well-being collections at the library. Our wellbeing collection consists of physical books as well as online books that cover a range of topics and include guided self-help approaches to supporting mental health, personal development and achievement.

Easter Egg Hunt 2024

Easter Egg Hunt 2024

It’s that time of year again: Easter Egg Hunt 2024 edition.

Hooray the Easter Bunny has arrived at our libraries. Our annual Easter Egg Hunt is back and better than ever! Time to win some chocolate goodies. Hurry while stocks last!

What is the Egg Hunt?

If you aren’t familiar, we run this every year to the run of exams and Easter break. As a fun way to familiarise with Library Search and using the Library Catalogue machines.

It’s a chance to win chocolate goodies. Vegan options will be available. Each campus library will be hosting the egg hunt and it will be running all week starting today. So come along and join. Navigate LibrarySearch for specific book titles to find tokens and you can win a chocolate egg. Learn about LibrarySearch and win a prize, it’s a win-win. Instructions are listed below but you can also ask for more assistance at our help desks.

Easter Egg Hunt Instructions:

  1. Use the library catalogue/library search to find the details of all books listed. You will receive this at the help desk.
  2. Find the books on the shelf using the shelf marks.
  3. On the front page, you’ll find either Flowers, Small Creatures (like a rabbit) or Eggs
  4. Take one of each, there will be three in total.
  5. Take all three tokens to the help desk to receive a chocolate egg.


We are delighted to say that there will be a bonus challenge this year. Ask the help desk for more details because you will be in the chance to win a grander, chocolatier prize.

We wish you luck.


You can read more about how to find books with our previous blog post.

Researcher Skills Forum 2024

Researcher Skills Forum 2024.

It’s that time of year again: Edinburgh Napier University’s Researcher Skills Forum – 2024.

Tomorrow is day one of our annual researcher development event which is brought you in proud partnership of Research, Innovation & Enterprise team and Information Services.

A fun and interesting line-up of speakers, workshops and activities aimed at researchers of all levels.

Tomorrow will be an in-person event at Sighthill LCR5 (top floor of the library) and the 20th will be our online event. You can register for either or both!

Researcher Skills Forum -13th March

Tomorrow will start off right with tea and coffees at 10.40 before diving into introductory talks. The day will cover academic publishing, transform presentations. And a career panel with career consultants going over how to get jobs but also how to build a career. Finally, there will be an opportunity for networking and there will be lunch covered.

Researcher Skills Forum – 20th March

This is will be held online on Microsoft Teams. Once you have registered, you will receive a link. The event will running all afternoon from 1pm till 4.30pm. It will include looking at systematic approaches to literature reviews, writing as a researcher and literature searching.


Both days are packed with research development and we hope to see you there. Remember you can register for both.

For more information and where to register: Researcher Skills Forum 2024

And you look at other ways the university supports research.

International Women’s Day – 8th March 2024

 International Women’s Day – 8th March 2024

Today  is International Women’s Day – 8th March 2024

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on the 8th of March each year and forms part of Women’s History Month. It has been running for over 100 years with the first International Women’s Day being held in March 1911.

The aim is to celebrate women’s achievements, promote gender equality, diversity and inclusion, and raise awareness about discrimination.

IWD is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It emphasises the progress which has already been made towards gender equality and shows what still has to be done to achieve these goals.

Inspire Inclusion

This year’s theme is Inspire Inclusion. Inspiring others to recognise and respect women’s inclusion can help us to create a better world.

Inspiring inclusion in women builds a community where women feel accepted, valued, and empowered.

What Can You Do?

Everyone can participate in International Women’s Day. This can be as organisations, groups and individuals, at work, at home and within the community.

Anyone can be involved in celebrating International Women’s Day through any activity which supports the progress of women and girls and will have a significant impact within their own environment.

We must celebrate the achievements of all women, fully embracing their age, race, faith, ability, body image, and how they identify. In the global spectrum, women must be welcomed and recognised in all fields, ensuring that their needs, interests, aspirations and creative talents are highly regarded throughout industry, business, education, health, sport and leisure.

For more than 100 years, International Women’s Day has endeavoured to create positive change for women and girls everywhere. Let us all inspire inclusion by celebrating not only the achievements of women in our own lives – from mothers, daughters, sisters, friends and colleagues – to women all around the world.

Strike the pose and inspire inclusion. Let’s work together to support each other, celebrate our achievements and be all we can be!

By Sharon McMichael

Find out more:

Celebrate Women Empowerment 

International Women’s Day 

Photo Source Library of congress

World Book Day: Edward Clark Collection

World Book Day: Edward Clark Collection

As it is World Book Day, we thought we could take the opportunity to write about our beloved Edward Clark Collection. What is the Edward Clark Collection you may ask or why is it relevant to World Book Day? Well, let’s begin:

Edward Clark Collection

The Edward Clark Collection is based at Merchiston Campus. It is part of our Hertiage Collections/Archives. We have been custodians of the collection since 1964.  It is one of the only two surviving examples of what was once a widespread phenomenon in Britain: printers’ libraries. The other survivor is St Brides Library in London.

Edward Clark Collection consists of around 5000 items.

The collection concentrates on the development of typography, the techniques of printing illustrations, and fine bindings.  It includes several rare imprints and some splendid examples of typographers, printers, illustrators and binders art and craft.

It has a wide range of books throughout the years, showcasing the changes in illustrations, typography, publishing and more. We think it would be a great opportunity to highlight this collection on World Book Day.

Edward Clark

Edward Clark was born in Edinburgh, to Robert and Emma Clark on 11 December 1864. His paternal grandmother Isabel was sister to Adam Black, Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh from 1843 to 1848, and a Member of Parliament from 1854 to 1865. Edward Clark  began business as a publisher in Edinburgh in 1815. And with his nephew founded the firm of A. & C. Black. Known to publish the Edinburgh Review for many years and acquired the copyright of Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Over the years, books that had publishing significance were bought in the name of Edward Clark, showing the development of publishing over the years.

Edward Clark Collection: Printers’ Libraries

The first Edinburgh printers’ library was established in 1858. The technical and reference collections continued to be used up until the end of the 19th century, after which it is not clear what happened to them. Formal educational requirements for printing apprentices were established after World War I. The Clark Collection was put together as a teaching resource, mainly in the 1930s, to illustrate printing technologies, type design and book production from the 15th century to the present day. As well as the treasures highlighted on the Collection website it is a treasure trove for the historian of print.


Heritage Collection:

The Edward Clark Collection is truly amazing, and we are grateful to the Heritage Collection team for all they do. Have a look at all they do here.

Any enquiries about our Heritage Collections at Napier including the War Poets and Jim Haynes, get in touch: Heritage@napier.ac.uk

Read about our previous Edward Clark Collection posts here

World Book Day 2024

World Book Day 2024

World Book Day 2024 – 7th March

When was the last time you got lost in a good book? Not a textbook. Not some dry academic thesis you have to crib for an exam. I mean a rollicking great thriller, or a classic Victorian spinechiller, or an autobiography of that sporting hero you’ve always admired. When was the last time you tucked yourself up in bed with Stephen King, Jane Austen or Terry Pratchett?

World Book Day promotes the idea of reading for pleasure. There is a wealth of evidence that shows that reading for pleasure – just the pure, unalloyed enjoyment of it – is important for personal development and helps in educational success. It stimulates the imagination, brings comfort, expands your horizons, helps to build social connections and promotes better health and well-being. All that from a book!

World Book Day is specifically aimed at children. But we want to remind you that reading for pleasure is like riding a bike – once learned, you never forget how to do it. So, if it’s been a while since you picked up a book just for the sake of it, why not do so today and re-discover that childlike state of wonder that only books create. As far as I’m concerned, the best thing about reading for pleasure is that I get lost in my own personal world and nobody else gets a look in.

World Book Day is celebrated on the first Thursday of March. But feel free to pick up a book on any day of the week, any month of the year. And if you happen to be in any of our libraries when you do so, why not pull up a chair, sit back and settle into your story.

Check out our relaxation space to settle into your story and find out more about World Book Day in Scotland.

By Lesley McRobb

A lover of books, read all our previous posts. 

Library Training

Library Training

The library offers a wide range of training events to help you with your studies.

Trimester 2 is rolling in and not to add panic but soon assignments and exams will be coming up. Here at the library, we want to help where we can. We run sessions that are in-person or online to help with your studies. Workshops and events are here to help you get started with the skills you need for success at University. There are bookable sessions on a range of different topics and regular drop-ins on different campuses.

Training Calendar

You can find them all on our training and events calendar. Sessions are available for all modules and levels and can range from a basic introduction to using LibrarySearch and academic journals for first-year students to subject-specific research sessions for postgraduate students and staff.

We have basic information sessions or more in-depth sessions looking at literature reviews, references management and copyright. These sessions run throughout the year so don’t worry, they are not a one-off.

If these times don’t work or you prefer a one-on-one session, you can contact your subject librarians or contact us via email, phone or ask at the help desk.

Subject Guide Training

We also have our subject guides that are created and designed by your subject librarian.  Here you will also find out more about the resources and support available from the Library.  ​You will also find libguides which are also created by subject librarians. There, you will find more information about courses and databases.

And you also read our previous posts about helpful library information.

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