Edinburgh Napier University

Month: November 2022

St Andrew’s Day

What is Saint Andrew’s Day? 

Each year St Andrew’s day, or the feast day of Saint Andrew, is celebrated in Scotland on 30th November. 

St Andrew has officially been the patron saint of Scotland since 1320 when Scotland became independent with the Declaration of Arbroath.  

St Andrew is not only the patron saint of Scotland; we share our patron saint with Romania, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, and Poland, among others. 

A patron saint is regarded as a protector or guide of a nation, place or person. https://www.edinburghlive.co.uk/news/st-andrews-day-november-30-22264412 



Painting of St Andrew

Saint Andrew Source 


Who was Saint Andrew? 

Although not a huge amount is known about Saint Andrew, according to the Christian faith Andrew the apostle was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. He was also the brother of Simon Peter, who would become Saint Peter. 

He was born in what is now known as Israel, probably between 5 and 10AD. St Andrew was one of the first disciples of Jesus: according to the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, Andrew and Peter were fishermen, who were said to have followed Jesus immediately when he said to them “I will make you fishers of men”. 

Saint Andrew is said to have travelled far and wide during his life to preach the teachings of Jesus. It is also alleged that St Andrew was crucified on an ‘X’ shaped cross, which is why the Scottish flag (the Saint Andrew’s Cross) has a white cross on it. 



Scottish flag




How can I celebrate Saint Andrew’s Day? 

St Andrew’s day can be celebrated by donning your kilt for a ceilidh (Scottish dancing) and listening to Scottish music, partaking of some Scottish food or a dram o’ whisky perhaps. There may be local events that you can join in with too – see the links below for some ideas: 

What’s On Edinburgh 

Visit Scotland 

Edinburgh Guide  


Read more about Scottish History 📚 


If you want to learn more about Scottish History, check out the shelves at Sighthill Campus at Dewey number 941 or search LibrarySearch – here are some examples of articles and books held within our treasure trove of a library catalogue 😊: 

  • Rowlands, E. W., & Masaccio. (2003).Masaccio Saint Andrew and the Pisa altarpiece. Getty Publications.  



Learn more about LibrarySearch here. 







By Judy Wheeler

Edinburgh Napier’s Repository – a home for the university’s research

Edinburgh Napier’s repository – a home for the university’s research

A repository is a kind of digital archive for storing all the research outputs created by a university’s academics and researchers. Most importantly, it also makes much of this research publicly available for everyone to read and download. The Edinburgh Napier Research Repository is the home for Edinburgh Napier’s research. We moved to the current repository platform earlier this year, so it might look a little different now if you were familiar with the old one.

Open Access

Making research open access in the repository benefits researchers whose work can be more widely read and cited. It’s also great for students who can access research much more easily. Almost every university has a repository now.  so you can use aggregator services like CORE to find research from around the world. CORE includes the 20,000+ outputs from Napier’s repository and millions more as well. Take a look at our open-access LibGuide with more tips for finding open-access research.



Screen shot of the University Research Repository

Screenshot of the University Research Repository




For Edinburgh Napier academics and researchers who want to curate their own profile or add new research outputs to the repository, just log in to Worktribe using your usual university credentials. If you need any help, check out the support pages on the intranet or feel free to email repository@napier.ac.uk with any questions about open access – including publishing open-access journal articles using one of the library’s publisher deals.

The repository is not just for academic staff though. In fact, Research students can be set up with a profile if they have publications to share. Furthermore, all postgraduate theses awarded by Edinburgh Napier are made available in the repository and then included in the British Library’s national thesis collection for anyone to read.

And that’s what repositories are all about. Making it easier for everyone to find and share the knowledge our universities create.


By Stuart Lawson


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

World Television Day

World Television Day

The invention of the television was revolutionary. It is largely credited to Scottish inventor John Logie Baird who rolled out commercial usage in the 1920s. But the term television is believed to have been created by Russian scientist Constantin Perskyi, tele is ancient Greek for far while visio is Latin for sight. The usage of the name TV dates to 1948, but when we in Britain started using the word telly, I can’t say. Since its invention, the television has changed the world and impacted our lives in ways that the inventors never imagined. On the 21st of November, we recognise that impact.


World Television Day was announced by the United Nations in 1996 following the first World Television Forum in the previous November. Since then, World Television Day has become an annual recognised day. The World Television forum was not simply to celebrate but to recognise the impact that television has on ‘public opinion and world decision making’. Television was the starting point of communication and transparency in the world.

Library Resources

However, the most obvious way to mark this day is of course to watch television. And at the library, we have access to the humble yet mighty Box of Broadcasts, also known as BOB. Since 1948. BOB has led ‘the discovery, citation and responsible use of audio-visual material in education and research’. You will be able to find BOB on LibrarySearch, make sure you are signed in to have complete access. BOB has access to over 75 ‘free to air channels’, access to 10 foreign language channels and over 3 million broadcasts on its database. Not only that but you can create your own playlist, watch on the device, embed links, and use them for academic referencing. We can’t shout the praises of BOB enough; it is truly a marvellous database that we can’t recommend enough.


By Maya Green

Image source: Photo by Stephen Monterroso on Unsplash

Read more on the blog here

Children in Need


Friday 18th November sees Children in need return to our screens. 

But what is it about? 

Every year, the BBC and other partners join a huge fundraising drive to raise money for children’s charities across the UK. This culminates in a BBC TV Appeal show on Friday 18th November where celebrities come together to provide entertainment, raise funds, and inspire people to donate to the cause by sharing stories of the children the charity supports. 

“We fund thousands of charities and projects in every corner of the UK, that support children and young people to feel and be safer, have improved mental health and wellbeing, form better, more positive relationships and be given more equal opportunities to flourish.” 

This blog post will take a little look at the history of Children in Need and how you can watch the action using the University’s subscription to BoB (Box of Broadcasts)! 


History of Children in Need 

Here are some highlights from the almost one hundred years that Children in Need has been fundraising: 

  • 1927 saw (or heard!) the first ever children’s BBC radio appeal, with £1300 raised for children’s charities.  
  • It wasn’t until 1955 that the first televised appeal graced our screens – a Christmas appeal presented by Sooty and Harry Corbett. 
  • In 1980, the first Children in Need telethon raised £1 million, presented by Terry Wogan, Sue Lawley and Esther Rantzen. 
  • In 1985, Pudsey Bear became the BBC Children in Need mascot. He has had several makeovers over the years, going from brown to yellow and has also changed the design of his bandana a few times!  
  • In 2007, at 22 years old, he became the Pudsey we know today, with a colourful polka-dotted bandana. 
  • 2011 and 2012 saw Matt Baker take on the Rickshaw challenge, and in 2009 Children in Need celebrated its 30th televised appeal. 
  • In 2018, £1 billion had been raised for Children in Need since 1980. Wow! 


For a complete history of Children in Need see the links at the bottom of the page. 


Pudsey Bear on blue circle

Pudsey Bear on a blue circle


Appeal Night Friday 18th November: 

This year the Children in Need programme is called the ‘Great SPOTacular Appeal Night’ on Friday 18th November, and will be live on BBC One and iPlayer. 

The presenters for this year have been announced, you can see them here. 


Not in on Friday 18th November? Don’t worry, you can catch up on Box of Broadcasts. 

Box of Broadcasts (BoB) gives students and staff at Edinburgh Napier access to TV and radio recordings. BoB allows you to view TV and radio programmes from the BBC and choose and record upcoming broadcast programmes (you need to be in the UK to use BoB).  

BoB is available at Learning on Screen or via the LibrarySearch A-Z Database list. 

See BoB short video tutorials and frequently asked questions.  



For more info about Children in Need and Box of Broadcasts: 





By Judy Wheeler

Book Week Scotland (14-20 November 2022)

Book Week Scotland is an annual celebration of books and reading, organised by the Scottish Book Trust to promote the joy of reading throughout Scotland.  Between 14-20 November, a packed programme of in-person and online events and activities will take place in venues across the country. See the Scottish Book Trust website for more information about events taking place near you.  

Every year, the Scottish Book Trust invite people from all over Scotland to write about their experiences and tell their stories as part of the Your Stories project. The theme for 2022 is Scotland’s Stories. As part of Book Week Scotland, a collection of these stories will be published in a book which will be freely distributed in venues throughout the country.  

Edinburgh Napier University are pleased to be able to offer copies of Scotland’s Stories to students and staff. Pick up your copy in one of the campus libraries or student residences between 14-20 November before they’re all gone!   



Logie with Scotland's Stories

Logie with Scotland’s Stories


You can join Book Week Scotland on Facebook or follow Book Week Scotland’s Twitter updates at twitter.com/BookWeekScot, and by using the hashtag #BookWeekScotland. 


Don’t forget, you can browse the thousands of books and journal articles available to students and staff at Edinburgh Napier University by using LibrarySearch.   


By Sarah Jeffcott

World Kindness Day


Green background with white heart and hands

World Kindness Day


World Kindness Day was founded in 1998 and is an international holiday to spread kindness and compassion across the world. It is recognised by the United Nations and activities to celebrate World Kindness Day involve concerts, dances, and kindness cards.


The movement highlights good deeds, focuses on communities and small acts of kindness. An example could be an act of service, checking in on someone, complimenting or providing a creative gesture. Here are some examples of how you can spread and share kindness every day:


· Praise someone for their achievement

· Speak to someone you haven’t spoken to for a while

· Smile at someone to brighten up their day

· Express gratitude to inspire others

· Volunteer some time to help others, you can find opportunities under Get Involved at Edinburgh Napier



How can we celebrate World Kindness Day?


· Listen to a podcast https://www.goodgoodgood.co/podcast/orly-wahba-kindness-boomerang-empowerment-interview

· Promote kindness with t-shirt slogans

· Read resources! We have many books on Kindness and how it can help to build trust and strengthen relationships.

· Also be a little kinder to yourself, by investing in your own self-care. Through self-care, you can be there for people around you.


Remember that kindness is a ripple and improves physical and mental health.


Let’s make kindness contagious!


You can find out more about kindness in our LibrarySearch shown through the perspective of a nurse and understand the compassionate nature of nurses.


Other resources:



Remembrance Day

The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month marks Armistice Day and 104 years since the end of the Great War. From that moment on, this day has become a day of Remembrance. Although particularly mindful of those affected during the First World War, this solemn day is dedicated to remembering all those who died in the line of duty in conflicts, old and new.


The oldest part of the buildings at the Craiglockhart campus played an important role during the First World War when it was requisitioned for use as a military hospital for the treatment of officers recovering from shell shock (or neurasthenia, as it was then officially called). During the hospital’s twenty-eight months of operation between 1916 and 1919, around 1,800 officers were assessed and treated at Craiglockhart, including the famous war poets Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen. To honour their memory, Edinburgh Napier University established the War Poets collection in 1988, and in 2005 a dedicated exhibition space opened in the entrance and foyer area of the former war hospital. The exhibition recounts the stories of those affected by war and remembering their lives plays a central role within that.


For Edinburgh Napier University, this Remembrance Day will also be inextricably linked to the memory of Catherine Walker MBE. Although not military personnel, Catherine was the face of the War Poets collection for many years, introducing audiences new and old to the (extra)ordinary stories behind each and every item in the collection. As part of her work, she contributed to preserving the memory of all the officers who passed through Craiglockhart War Hospital, many of whom – after having been discharged back into duty upon recovering at Craiglockhart – did not live to see the world rejoice the official end of the war at 11am on 11 November 1918. A beloved member of staff at Edinburgh Napier University, this month marks one year since Catherine passed. Her work and love for the collection will be remembered, and the new Special Collections team look forward to continuing – and building on – her legacy.


Catherine Walker in the War Poets Collections

In memory of Catherine Walker, curator of the War Poets Collection at Craiglockhart. Photographed for the relaunch event on 1st November 2016



By Laura Cooijmans-Keizer

International Games Month

International Games Month

International Games Month



International Games Month is our biggest and best yet! 

This year for International Games Month we’ve organised some exciting new activities for you! 

You’ll find links to all our activities (and Terms & Conditions for the games) here LibCal.napier.ac.uk 

Game-Based Searching Skills Support 

Looking for a fun way to learn academic searching skills, join our Subject Librarians in this fun game-based searching activity.  You’ll also have the opportunity to ask further questions!  We’ve organised one session for each campus register by following the link below.   


Friday 11th November, 12 noon – 1.00 pm 


Monday 14th November , 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm 


Monday 21st November, 1.00 pm – 2.00pm 


Well-being Workshop-Video Games as Therapy-Online 

Did you know that games can be good for your well-being? 

In collaboration with our Well-being team, we’re really pleased to be able to offer this well-being workshop on video gaming and how it can be good for you.  This is an online session run through Webex and is open to staff and students. 

Wednesday 16th November, 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm 

Register for the event on your My Futures page 


Win an Amazon voucher! 

As in previous years, we’re giving students multiple opportunities to win an Amazon voucher!   

Play online, send your completed puzzle/quiz from your University email address to library@napier.ac.uk with the subject line International Games Month and we’ll enter correct entries into the draw to win a voucher. Paper copies of the Word Search and our Plot Keywords Quiz are available at each campus library if you prefer to hand in a paper copy.   

Complete the Logie the Lion Jigsaw  

Library Words Word Search 

New for 2023 our Plot Keywords Quiz ! Use the keywords provided to work out the title of the book which has been made into a film!  Click on the link at LibCal.napier.ac.uk to access the quiz sheet. 


Additional Games for you to play for fun! 

Slide the tiles to create a picture of Craiglockhart Library Relaxation Space 

Memory Gamematch the library to the correct campus 


Reading List 



We’d love to have your feedback on our International Games Month events.  Click on the link above! 


By Cathryn Buckham

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