Article now out: Information literacy of community representatives in Brazil
Our article “An information literacy lens on community representation for participatory budgeting in Brazil ” has now been published by the Journal of Information Literacy
Our article “An information literacy lens on community representation for participatory budgeting in Brazil ” has now been published by the Journal of Information Literacy
A chance to apply for one of up to five fully funded PhD project in applied informatics. Apply by 21 May for an October 2023 start.
Higher education institutions in Scotland are legally bound to provide an inclusive learning environment. Tinklin & Hall (1999) conducted a study to explore the experiences [more …]
Here is a further PhD idea that missed our main list: There are currently many agile coaches tasked with mentoring remits within the IT function. [more …]
We are very happy to announce that we can offer funded PhD opportunities in five wide ranging social informatics projects for a number of students [more …]
Peter Cruickshank, Bruce Ryan and Marina Miloshava worked together to carry out a review of recent research literature on information literacy (IL) impact. This is [more …]
A couple of brief updates for the new academic year. The School of Computing and the School of Engineering & the Build Environment are now [more …]
John Marshall has recently started his PhD project. It’s current title is “Work-based learning environments (WBLE) for fostering industry-relevant skills and optimal economic performance”. The [more …]
After 10 years of working through a narrow seam of data relating to Scottish community councils, was awarded a PhD by publication back in July. [more …]
A nice piece of good news to share before the start of the summer. Visiting Professor Brian Detlor was awarded 2021 “Research to Practice Excellence [more …]
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