John Marshall has recently started his PhD project. It’s current title is “Work-based learning environments (WBLE) for fostering industry-relevant skills and optimal economic performance”. The project is in conjunction with Skills Development Scotland and funded by the ESRC.
John explains more below:
My research focuses on work-based learning environments for fostering industry-relevant skills and optimal economic performance. I am in the first year of my doctoral studies and already completed a Master of Research as preparation for the project. My work is funded by Skills Development Scotland and is one of several PhDs funded by them.
My PhD addresses a question that policymakers in Scotland have been struggling with:
“Does the Scottish workforce have the skills needed to prosper both today and in the future?”
(McGregor, 2018)
The link between skills, education and improved productivity and earnings is well-established, but many of the questions surrounding causation remain unanswered. In Scotland there is an unexplained disconnect between its high level of education and the expected productivity compared to comparable countries.
This project intends to tackle the questions around the links between WBL and economic outcomes, with the hope of improving outcomes for both workers and firms.
I am a mature student, returning to higher education a few years ago. It is fun journey and has many interesting challenges. Sometimes the fun and the challenges have been the same thing!
We are looking forward to updates as the project progresses
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