Dr Bruce Ryan (PI), Professor Hazel Hall (CoI) and Dr Iain McGregor (CoI) are delighted that the Platform to Platform project went live today (2 February 2022).
This project will transform diaries of World War 2 written by Lorna Beatrice Lloyd (7th January 1914 to 2nd February 1942) from text on Blipfoto into podcasts. The podcasts will be created by Edinburgh Napier University Sound Design students, from recordings of the diaries by Bethany Ray, along with sound effects, recordings of contemporary newspaper articles and audio from newsreels. Bethany is Lorna’s great great niece.
The project will then research how people who have read the diaries on the Blipfoto (textual) platform now relate to them on the podcast (audio) platform. Hence the project’s name. The project will also investigate how the Sound Design students’ relationships with history change as a result of this work.
The podcasts will be launched at an event in Malvern Museum in May 2022. Lorna wrote her diaries while living in Malvern, and the museum holds the exercise book in which Lorna wrote them.
The research will enable the project team to answer two main research questions:
- What are audience modes of engagement with digitised archive data sets transformed into a podcast series?
- How can creative industries (notably heritage and cultural education) use this knowledge of modes of engagement, and its impact and value, to attract new audiences in meaningful ways, and to generate data-driven innovation?
There are more details about the project, Lorna and Bethany on Hazel’s blog-post.
Look out for further updates on the project’s progress via a new Blipfoto journal, LornaLPodcast.
Finally, the project team thanks Creative Informatics for funding this project.
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