New Reading Lists Interface

You have noticed something different if you have been looking at our reading lists lately. A new interface was launched on the 22nd of July. All the key features remain the same, but a new and improved workflow.  So what does this mean for creating a reading list.

Making reading lists using Leganto

Did you know that ENU has a tool that allows you to curate your own reading lists and share them with others? To have a go, log into Leganto and click on ‘create list’. For more information, go to our Reading List LibGuide.

If you are a lecturer, you can associate a reading list with your module code so that students can automatically view any course and further suggested readings. You can also add other resources such as videos, podcasts, and websites to the lists using the ‘Cite it’ feature.

If you’ve used Leganto before, you might have noticed that it looks a bit different. We upgraded to a new user interface in July. The new look of the reading lists makes things easier to navigate. Changes include making it easier to publish your reading lists and add resources to your favourites. If you’d like to learn more about the changes to Leganto or discover how to make your own reading list, sign up to one of our online training sessions.

Take a look at the updates and get inspired for summer reading by checking out this list of suggested summer readings. All the books are available from the library.


A look at the previous interface:

Old look at the reading list interface


And a look at the new interface:

New Reading list interface




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