Edinburgh Napier International College and Library Services

January is storming ahead. And soon University life will come back in swing. We want to welcome everyone and before classes start, we thought it would be useful to provide some library essentials.

Library Essential

Each campus has a library and the library reflects the schools based at that campus. This is especially true for what books are available at each library. For example, business books will be at Craiglockhart while computing, engineering and built environments are at Merchiston.

Library tours are available for each library. You can email library@napier.ac.uk to arrange.

Merchiston Library is perhaps more central and will be open 24/7 as a study space from the end of the month.

Finding information: reading lists, subject guides and subject librarians

Each course has a reading list. You will find these items through LibrarySearch. Please log in at the top right corner.  We also have subject guides and research guides that have been created by your subject librarian. These guides are designed to help you find information and develop research skills.

Each subject area has a subject librarian. You can contact your subject librarian for more information or arrange a 1: 1 appointment for extra guidance. Your subject librarian can help with finding resources and information about your course. And help build library skills. You can find your subject librarian on our web pages.

For students studying business, Keith Walker is your subject librarian, while for students studying computing, engineering and built environment, your subject librarian is Joyce Templeton.

Library Services: Books, Databases and more

We have an extensive catalogue, and it is all available through library search. Here you will have access to all our online resources and be able to locate where our physical resources are. You will also find access to journals and databases. You can borrow up to 30 physical items. Books are 7-day loans but they renew automatically up to 4 months unless requested.  If you are looking for something we don’t have, we have an inter-library loan service where you can request books from other libraries.

Libraries Services: Physical and Online

At the library, you will find plenty of study spaces: we have silent areas and areas for talking if you have group work. There are study rooms, PCs and Macs, with printers and scanners. Each library has a relaxation space with games, colouring sheets and comfy sofas to relax. We have a well-being collection that focuses on shelf help. If you can’t make it to campus, most of these resources are now available online.


Have a look at previous articles on study skills to help start University.