Librarians and libraries

Librarians go on holidays, of course, but that doesn’t make us less of passionate about Libraries in general. At least I personally find it difficult to go away and “switch off” the curiosity about a service that is more than ever-changing and its similarities and differences.

Public Libraries

Just a few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to visit and use the public premises of the library I used to go in the town where I grew up. Despite the passage of time, and the different ways I have been involved in libraries (as a student, as a user, and finally as a professional), up to this day. It’s a trip that I could do blindsided.

Despite of the different locations and countries, the sense of familiarity among the shelves and, the endless enthusiasm about (free!) books, over time my conception of those spaces has been “challenged”, as its best.

Sadly, and beyond homesickness feelings, it is impossible to deny that Public Libraries have lost the important role/attention that they have had from Society and politicians in the past. There were fewer users, than I wished for, and that happens there and here.

If you want a first-hand testimony of how Public Libraries work and face challenges in Scotland.  Plus some wider indirect conversations like Mental Health Awareness or Poverty,  check the book The Librarian: The Library Saved Her. Now She Wants To Save The Library”, by Allie Morgan.

Edinburgh Libraries

Just to bring this to your attention, the City of Edinburgh Council has been revising their service in their “Edinburgh Future Libraries strategy 2024 to 2029” plan. This aims to set up a new vision for Edinburgh’s Libraries to provide the framework. Looking at  service delivery and development for public and school libraries over the next five years

As an avid reader, and an advocate for libraries I can’t help but wonder a bit about the outcome of those plans, especially in the long run.

Even in days when the overwhelming offer of entertainment that we have at hand (pun intended, I mean our smartphones!). I am still an advocate for Libraries, especially public ones. Possibly because I am glued to the idea and memories that. But among books, there is entertainment, learning and somehow solace, at a different and calmer pace.

E.Pastor Alventosa

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post about our international library visits.

Interested about studying at other libraries, we have SCONUL

Photo by Tobias Fischer