World Book Day 2025
Today marks World Book Day, and as a library blog, we couldn’t resist.
Introduction: Reading, the Joys and its Benefits…
When you are a student, nearly every day feels like World Book Day – with all the reading, you are set for tutorials and assignments. All the academic textbooks you find yourself skimming through relentlessly. And all the resource searching and navigating you will inevitably do as assignments start piling up and exams are looming.
Do you remember the last time you picked up a book to read for leisurely purposes? It has probably been a while! And you likely feel very fatigued at the thought of even looking at another piece of text.
Regardless, World Book Day comes around every year on the first Thursday of March to promote the concept of reading for leisure. We at Napier’s library services would like to promote this international day and love of reading as a universal concept for all. As reading truly brings so many benefits.
About World Book Day…
World Book Day falls on Thursday, the 6th of March this year – the first Thursday of the month. World Book Day itself is an annual charity event which was established by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) to actively promote and encourage a love of reading within communities across the globe. It is also known as World Book and Copyright Day or International Day of the Book. This is because this international day also acknowledges the significance of publishing. As well as copyright in the literary world and the roles that they both play in providing universal access to a variety of texts, but with protections in place for the original works of authorship regarding the rights of authors to decide how others use and utilise their work.
More about the Benefits of Books (and reading them) …
A wealth of evidence suggests that reading for leisurely purposes can aid with personal development and progression as well as academic success. Fun fact: Studies have found that individuals who read for at least thirty minutes a day live longer than those who do not. Considering the significant cognitive and emotional benefits that reading can have. Ranging from bringing comfort to helping stimulate one’s imagination. It can essentially help to improve and enhance an individual’s health and well-being. Reading books can also expand one’s horizons and often help individuals to develop a more open-minded outlook on different matters. Thus helping those who read to develop interpersonal relationships and social connections with others with more ease. And if reading happens to be a shared hobby within one’s own social connections and community, all the better, especially if all of you enjoy similar genres and texts!
Book clubs are usually a great incentive for getting into or back into reading if you haven’t picked up a book for leisure in a while. It is also a great way to meet new people in your local community. There are also many wonderful bookshops located in the city of Edinburgh including Blackwells, Golden Hare Books and Topping & Company Booksellers in Edinburgh. The Edinburgh International Book Festival is also coming up in the summer. Running from the 9th to the 24th of August this year, the Edinburgh Festival is a distinctive event that takes place in the heart of Edinburgh every year. Many famous authors, writers and thinkers come from across the world to host a varied programme of workshops and talks to audiences that have often also come from all across the globe.
Our Wellbeing Collection…
We at the library feel that World Book Day provides us with the perfect opportunity to promote our Wellbeing Collection. Not only do we have a range of resources providing advice and guidance on managing stress and finances. But also on adjusting to university life. We also have some fictional and autobiographical texts available, which often tell inspiring stories of strength in periods of adversity and hardship, recovery and overcoming challenges in life. Our Wellbeing Collection stands and shelves are often located near our relaxation spaces. Spaces that are equipped with comfortable seating and couches. So, if you need to take a break from the textbooks and academic texts, why not pick up a book from our wellbeing collection stands or shelves and take a seat? We have a few recommendations from this collection, which can be found below.
· The Salt Path, Winn, Raynor, author, 2019, The salt path – Edinburgh Napier University – Available at Sighthill Campus Library. ·
The Perks of being a Wallflower, Chbosky. Stephen, 2012, The perks of being a wallflower – Edinburgh Napier University – Available at Merchiston Campus Library.
· Into the Forest: How Trees can help you find Health and Happiness, Li, Qing, 1970, Into the forest: how trees can help you find health and happiness – Edinburgh Napier University – Available at All Napier Campus Libraries.
You can also find general recommended reads from our library staff in our recent blog post: Books that Shaped you
By Rachel Downie