Edinburgh Napier University

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We found 292 results for your search.

World Copyright Day 2024

World Copyright Day Today, 23rd of April, is a big day in the world of words. Massive. Not only is it Shakespeareโ€™s birthday (460 years young and still going strong), […]

Stress Awareness Month 2024: Distress and how to De-Stress

Stress Awareness Month 2024: Distress and How to De-stress It is Stress Awareness Month, learn about distress and how to destress. First emerged in April 1992 in response to a […]

Exams and Study

Exams and Study We know weโ€™ve been here before, echoing exams are upcoming. But itโ€™s that time of year. And we canโ€™t stress enough that the library is here to […]


CO-WORKING COLLECTIVE   Where does the time go? And why do holidays always feel so short? Those are the questions that are no doubt on your mind as you return […]

2024 is Election Year

2024 is Election Year Weโ€™re getting in early as sometime this year a general election will be held to elect a UK government for the next 5 years. All 650 […]

Out and About in Scotland update

Out and About in Scotland update If you enjoyed our Out and About in Scotland post last summer, you might be interested to know that Anna Wells has just become […]

Research Methods

Research Methods Introduction to Research Methodsโ€ฆ It is now that time of year when exams and deadlines are approaching fast. Whether these deadlines consist of coursework, essays, projects or presentations. […]

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024

Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024 Neurodiversity Celebration Week 18th โ€“ 24th March 2024 A week observing the strengths and talents of people with learning differences. Because everyone has a differently wired […]

Easter Egg Hunt 2024

Easter Egg Hunt 2024 It’s that time of year again: Easter Egg Hunt 2024 edition. Hooray the Easter Bunny has arrived at our libraries. Our annual Easter Egg Hunt is […]

Researcher Skills Forum 2024

Researcher Skills Forum 2024. It’s that time of year again: Edinburgh Napier University’s Researcher Skills Forum – 2024. Tomorrow is day one of our annual researcher development event which is […]

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